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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Eighteen)

    “Heya babe.” Ashley said huskily and shuffled closer, holding the teddy bear in front of her. She was kind of hoping she could drop it in Spencer’s arms cause the damned thing was heavy.

    “Hi.” Spencer replied on automatic. She was still somewhat in a daze from this surprise visit. And perhaps the huge bear being stuffed in her face. She took the oversized Pooh bear from Ashley and oofed under it’s weight. “It’s fucking heavier than you, Ash!”

    The brunette rolled her eyes but smiled. “Thanks Spence.” She turned the blonde around and manoeuvred her and the Pooh bear into the office. Once there, she took the bear again and placed it in Spencer’s office chair. “Look at that, it looks right at home.”

    Spencer laughed and playfully hit Ashley’s shoulder. “Why on earth did you buy me that?”

    “Well it’s a Pooh, you can never go wrong with a Pooh. And on nights when I can’t be there, you at least have him now to keep you company.” She suddenly frowned and scratched her chin. “Or her. Is Pooh male or female?”

    Spencer shrugged. “Beats me.” She gave Ashley a hug and pulled back to give her a kiss. “Thank you for the present, honey.”

    “You’re very welcome. But I think I should get some more kisses.” The brunette growled out and brought her lips to Spencer’s again. Slightly nibbling on the blonde’s lower lip, she brought her hands up in Spencer’s hair to hold her close.

    Spencer felt herself being pushed backwards until her knees hit the couch she had in her office. She fell backwards and yelped at the sudden movement. “Ashley damnit, a little warning next time!” She kicked her girlfriend’s shin and stuck out her tongue.

    “Oh you better put that weapon of mass comings away or you’re gonna have to use it.” Ashley replied and straddled the blonde. She grinned at her and pushed her so she was completely lying down, with Ashley on top.

    “Who says I don’t want to use it huh?” Spencer whispered and tugged Ashley down for some more kissing. She felt the other woman smile into the kiss and couldn’t keep herself from inwardly rolling her eyes. Ashley’s ego probably was the size of Canada by now.

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