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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Eighteen)

    Ashley cupped Spencer’s face and ran her thumbs over her cheek. Feeling bold for a moment, she ran her hand downwards and fleetingly over Spencer’s breast. The sudden intake of breath, momentarily worried her and she pulled back. “Are you okay? Was that too fast? Am I going too fast? I can stop if I’m going to fast!” Ashley babbled. She was worried she had pushed too far. They had agreed to go slow and here she was straddling the blonde and copping a feel. She mentally slapped herself upside the head.

    Spencer shook her head and grinned. “No honey. You’re not going to fast. I was just a bit stunned, is all.” She brought the brunette back down and whispered in her ear, “In fact, you’re not going fast enough”. She gently bit Ashley’s earlobe and her grin got bigger when she heard a moan coming from Ashley. She gently placed kisses down Ashley’s neck and brought the brunette’s hand to her breast and squeezed, letting her know it was okay.

    Ashley pulled back slightly. “Are you sure?” She whispered and ran her other thumb over Spencer’s upper lip. When she saw Spencer nod, she leaned in and forcefully kissed the woman below her. Her other hand moved down to join the other and started opening Spencer’s shirt. Cursing the buttons, she wished she could just rip it off but something told her Spencer probably wouldn’t appreciate it.

    Spencer ran her hands up and down Ashley’s back and when she felt Ashley slowly opening her shirt, she decides to take the brunette by surprise. Quickly sitting up, she ripped Ashley’s shirt off in record time, before Ashley could realize what had happened. Not waiting for a reaction, she ran both hands to Ashley’s breasts and started massaging them. “Gotcha now.” She whispered huskily and placed butterfly kisses on the exposed skin. The years hadn’t changed the feel of her girlfriend’s skin. She still was as soft as ever.

    “I’m gonna get you for that.” Ashley growled out but leaned her head back to give Spencer better access to her neck. The little wench still remembered her sensitive spots. Oh she was definitely going to receive payback for that.


    “Holy shit. You really got me for the flipping and ripping.” Spencer muttered and snuggled closer to Ashley. They didn’t have a lot of place on the couch but it was better than the floor. She was sure she saw a red mark on her hip. Damn carpetburns.

    Ashley laughed and continued running her finger over Spencer’s arms, loving the goosebumps she got in return. “I told you I would.” She kissed the top of Spencer’s arm and closed her eyes. It was time for a nap. So they could go at it again in like, two hours. Spencer better realized she had unleashed a beast!

    “Hey! Wake up, you sex addict.”

    Ashley mumbled something incoherent and cuddled up on Spencer’s naked torso. Probably her most favourite place on the planet. Placing a sloppy kiss on her pillow she drifted off.

    “You little bitch.” Spencer muttered and rolled her eyes. She should’ve known Ashley would fall asleep on her. Maybe she should get some shuteye as well then. It’s not like she was going to get up now, what with the heap of naked flesh pinning her down.

    Grinning she looked down and almost laughed out loud at the sight of a slightly drooling Ashley. She suddenly was relieved she wasn’t wearing her Gucci blouse anymore. Like she was going to explain to the dry cleaning why there was this mysterious white stain on her shirt. Right.

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