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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Fifteen)

    Spencer smirked. She knew very well what was going through Ashley’s mind when she failed to reply and gave herself some mental brownie points. Great way to get the brunette off her game. “I’m sorry.”

    “For what?” Ashley asked, still trying to erase certain mental visuals she was having. Curse Spencer for knowing what buttons to push!

    “For acting like a class a bitch.”

    Ashley sighed. “I don’t want to talk about this now.” She was relieved her mind had dropped the Spencer images but wasn’t too glad with the evil thoughts that had replaced them. She was better off with getting horny by certain visuals than getting pissed off by whatever Spencer had to say.

    “And why not?” Why was it that when one of them was willing to put some effort in working things out, the other one just had to resist. And why was Ashley resisting anyway? Wasn’t she the one that came to Spencer’s office, seeking for her assistance? And thus starting this entire ordeal?

    “Because I’m sick and tired of your hot cold treatment. One moment you’re cool as ice, then you wanna be friends with a hint of something more and all of the sudden you’re bitching at me like world hunger is my fault. I’m only human, Spencer. I can only take so much.”

    The blonde sighed. She knew Ashley was right. She had been playing a game with the brunette, even if she didn’t want to. “I know. And I’m sorry I… I don’t know.”

    “Me neither. Maybe that’s a sign this wasn’t meant be.” Ashley replied and turned around, effectively ending the conversation. If it took pushing Spencer away to protect her heart then so be it. She wasn’t looking for a broken heart when she walked into Spencer’s office. Her main reason was wanting Spencer’s counselling but if she could rebuild her once strong friendship with the blonde, then it would be an added bonus. But after Spencer’s hot cold behaviour she quickly realized she was in for a heartbreak, whether she wanted it or not.

    Spencer sat there shocked. Ashley’s words cut deeper than she wanted them to. She really thought they weren’t meant to be? What about the fact that after Ashley, she only had one serious relationship and it didn’t even work out cause her head was still stuck on Ashley? Or when Ashley said her previous flings and whatnot didn’t come close to what she had with Spencer, was that a lie? She had an inkling that this was another Ashley Davies trick to protect herself. Don’t let them come too close and they can’t hurt you. Well screw that. She wasn’t going to give up on her change of a happy life just because Ashley had insecurities. She stood up and walked in front of the brunette. “Alright. You’re gonna listen to me and while doing some you’re also gonna shut up.”

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