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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Fifteen)


    “Shush!” The blonde cut her off and poked Ashley in the shoulder. “Shut up. Look, I’m sorry for the entire come here, go away routine. I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for breaking you heart this time around and I’m sorry for breaking your heart back then but damnit Ashley, you really fucking crushed mine. You’re not the victim in all this and neither am I. We both made mistakes. Mistakes I’m sure we both wish we could take back but we can’t. And you know what? I’m sure we’re gonna keep making mistakes. So we can either run away from them or deal with them.” Spencer sighed and forced herself to calm down. She took another crate and sat down on it in front of Ashley. “I get confused around you. Every time. Though usually for different reasons. You can make me feel so many emotions, it scares me sometimes. Unfortunately that covers the good but also the bad feelings. You got a batch of bad ones when I lashed out at you when I couldn’t deal with your mistake and the mistakes I made following that one. I’m still angry with you.”

    “What?” Ashley asked stunned.

    “Shut up!” Spencer said and the brunette quickly shut her mouth. “I think I when I saw you sitting in my chair, acting like you owned the place, I was so overjoyed to see you again, my mind forgave you immediately. But I couldn’t let the cat out of the bag until I knew what the hell you wanted. And then we hung out again and it was good. Great, even. But it also unlocked a string of feelings I thought I had lost a long time ago. I was wrong. I never dealt with it. I just locked it in a big vault and left for college, leaving it all behind. Seeing you again opened that vault and I got swamped with old feelings, I swore I would never feel again. But what I’m trying to say is I want to make us work because I know we can work. I can feel it. It’ll take some time and some healing but I’m absolutely sure we are meant to be.”

    Ashley looked at Spencer as if she had grown a second head. She had no clue she was able to bring forth such strong emotions in the blonde. The bigger part of her wanted to believe her, wanted to take the leap of faith. But a small part was still warning her that this could just be another episode in Spencer’s mindfuck. Who’s to say the blonde won’t be back to bitching at her in a week? So it came down to completely pushing her away and thus losing her forever or giving her the benefit of the doubt and go with the flow. Well she never was on to avoid challenges, right?

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