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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Fourteen)

    “No. Kenny threatened me with a rolling pin, so I handed it over. I wasn’t looking forward to unconsciousness.” Ashley scrunched up her nose. Like she was going to attend her costumers tomorrow with a huge headache.

    “You got scared of a gay waiter who was wielding a rolling pin around?”

    “Hey, he looked fucking vicious!” Ashley replied defensively and threw in a pout to add to the drama effect.

    Spencer sighed and sat down on a crate she found. She was sure she felt a headache coming up and wished she had slipped some aspirins in her pockets this morning. Taking a look around, her eyes almost popped out when she saw one of the corners. It was decorated with hearts and flowers and on the floor lay at least two dozen fluffy pillows. The bastard made them a lovers nest?

    Ashley noticed at what the blonde was starring and smirked. “You’ve got to give him points for his decorating skills. I should ask him to do my room.”

    “When I’m done with him he won’t have any hands left to paint with.” Spencer growled. She turned her head towards Ashley. “And why are you so calm with all of this?”

    “I have calm genes.”

    The blonde snorted and rolled her eyes. “I don’t think so.”

    “Fine I don’t. Whatever, alright? I’m just not in the mood to drive my blood pressure sky-high with cursing them two idiots up there. And I’m not in the mood to hear you moan and groan about it!” Ashley snapped and threw the cards on the crate she was using as a table. She stood up and walked behind a storage rack, looking for something to eat and drink. They better had put some supplies down here. What good was the plan if they both died of starvation? Then again, Spencer’s cause of death was more leaning towards strangulation at the moment.

    “Argh!” Spencer mumbled and smacked her own forehead. This was definitely not the way to go if she wanted to path things up with Ashley. Maybe this situation that they found themselves in wouldn’t be so bad after all. She could use this time to have a talk with the brunette, without both of them having the change of running away from each other again. This was probably the intention of the plan, she reckoned. She got up and followed Ashley behind the rack.

    The brunette was standing on her tiptoes trying to reach something on the top of the shelf.

    “What are you doing?”

    “Fuck!” Ashley swore and lost her footing. She fell backwards on her butt and scowled at Spencer.

    Spencer held her hand in front of her mouth to hide the fact she was about to burst into a fit of giggles. “Sorry.” She said sheepishly.

    “I’m sure you are.” She got up and felt her butt complaining. Oh yeah, that was definitely going to leave a bruise. Not wanting to be the centre of Spencer’s snickers anymore, she swiftly walked away, checking out another storage rack.

    Spencer rolled her eyes and chided herself. This wasn’t going to be an easy task at all. She was in for quite a tough ride.

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