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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Nineteen)

    “I had a straight moment last night, thank you very much. He was nice. A little inexperienced but I got him around the curves just fine.” Kayley patted herself on the shoulder. “Good job, Kayley.”

    “You’re weird, you know that?”

    “I do.”

    “Yeah.” Ashley shook her head and took out her mobile. After skimming through a few pictures, she found a decent one and showed it to Kayley. “This was taken when we went to the zoo last week. She said the monkeys in the background looked like me when I pout.”

    Kayley laughed and as discretely as she could, pushed the button to go to the next picture. Bingo. Ashley hadn’t changed at all. “Wow Ash, she really grew up didn’t she?” She snickered and leaned back.

    “You’re looking at the next picture, aren’t you?” Kayley shook her head but the guilty look on her face gave her away. “You’re a fucker.” She rolled her eyes but made no move to retrieve the mobile. She made a mental note to backup the pictures on her computer and then delete them from her mobile next time.

    “No but seriously, from the pictures you showed me from when you guys were in high school you could tell this girl was pretty. But damn, this is plain hot, girl!”

    “Oh yeah, Ashley caught herself a looker.” Ashley laughed and took the mobile back from Kayley. “Enough ogling my girlfriend. You ain’t getting her.”

    “Nah, she’s yours to keep.” She placed her head atop her hands and smiled sweetly. “So are you gonna tell me already how good she is in the sack?”

    “This is the woman I love you’re talking about, a little respect!” Ashley said in mock anger.

    “Alright, alright.” Kayley rolled her eyes and sighed. “So she makes you happy then?”


    “That’s all I need to know, as far as I’m concerned. But if she hurts you…” Kayley trailed off, knowing Ashley knew she would go at the woman with a shovel if she broke Ashley’s heart. “Except if you fuck up again, then I might just take her side.”

    “Fuck you, K.” Ashley laughed.

    “Nah, I’m not in the mood for a bitch fight with that lawyer of yours. She can sue my ass for assault or some shit like that!” The woman winked and took her napkin when the waitress brought their food over. “Food!”

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