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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Nineteen)

    “You like probably ate half a box of fruit loops this morning and you’re still hungry?” The brunette asked amazed. She knew her best friend was capable of eating like a horse, but that didn’t mean it didn’t shock her anymore.

    “I’m an air force officer, Ash!” Kayley said in between bites of her burger. “Tomorrow I have to train a bunch of newbie maggots so I need to keep my strength up.”

    “Cut the bullshit, K. You teach them aerodynamics.” The brunette said. She knew Kayley did have her daily run but she also knew, besides teaching new kids shit about aerodynamics, she had no physical activities whatsoever. Besides the nightly ones, that is.

    “True. But have you ever taught a bunch of 20-something year old boys and girls about aerodynamics and pulling G’s? I think not. They’re monsters! The only thing they look forward to is shooting a 9 mill at some pissass piece of paper or flying a fighter jet.”

    “I’m sure, K.” The brunette took a bite of her own hamburger.


    Spencer strolled over to Beverly’s desk and casually leaned against it. She didn’t say a word and just stared at Beverly, making the young woman feel very uncomfortable. Every time her boss would give her the evil eye and stare at her, she knew something was up. It usually was a tossup between Spencer being bored or being pissed about a case. Figuring she didn’t have any immediate cases, she was probably bored out of her skull.

    “Miss Spencer.”

    “Money Penny.” Spencer rolled her eyes. Unbelievable how her subconscious could include Ashley in any conversation. “I mean, Beverly.”

    “What uh, what are you doing here?” She wanted to add ‘annoying me’ but thought better of it. No need to bring the wrath of Spencer upon her, especially after all the stunts she pulled. But her boss was distracting her while she was trying to type up these case reports.

    “No idea, really.” The blonde shrugged. “Are you sure I don’t have any clients this afternoon?” Beverly nodded. “Absolutely sure? What’s up with people? Don’t they need a lawyer for their divorce or for their neighbour who’s irritating them with the obnoxious dog? The world’s doomed. I’m telling you Bev, we’re all gonna die.” Spencer rambled off dramatically and fell backwards on the desk, right on top of Beverly’s keyboard.

    The young woman’s eyebrows joined her hairline and briefly wondered if her boss was perhaps high. “Everything alright, Miss Spencer?”

    “But of course. I just miss Ashley so much I’m acting like a lovesick teenager. All over again.” Spencer closed her eyes and began to smile when she thought of the evening they had last night. It was absolutely one the best nights in her life.

    “Right.” Beverly replied and tried prying her keyboard from under Spencer but failed when the blonde slapped her hands away. “I really have work to do here, Miss Spencer. So if you could-“

    “Beverly my dear, I pay you for whatever I tell you to do and right now I tell you to stop working on those reports and have a chitchat with me! Tell me, what’s going on in your life? Love wise, that is.”

    Beverly swallowed and glanced at the clock. Unfortunately five o’clock was still a long time for now so she needed another getaway and quick. Like she was going to talk to her boss about her lovelife, or lack thereof. “Uhm…”

    “Excuse me?”

    Saved by a complete stranger. Perfect getaway. Beverly quickly got up and greeted the woman. “Hello and welcome to the office of Spencer Carlin. How can I help you?” She hoped the woman didn’t spot Spencer lounging on the desk. In the corner of her eye she saw her boss getting off the desk as discretely as she could. At least the lovesickness hadn’t touched every part in her brain.

    “I’m looking for someone, Spencer.” The visitor said and glanced around nervously until she spotted the person she was seeking. “Spencer.”

    Spencer couldn’t believe her eyes. In the back of her mind she wondered if it’s that time of your life when everyone you least expect to see, all of the sudden appear in your office. “Sam.”

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