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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Seventeen)

    Ashley twirled around and grinned. “I do, don’t I?” She ran her index finger along the top of Spencer’s towel and snickered. “But I’m awfully sure I don’t look as good as you do right now.” Hooking her finger in the towel, she gently tugged Spencer into her and gave her a slow, passionate kiss. “Now, that’s what I call a proper hello.”

    Spencer silently moaned and was still savouring Ashley’s kiss. How she had missed that kiss. The feel of the brunette’s lips on her own. The way Ashley would nibble on her lower lip. Her own hands in Ashley’s hair, bringing her as close as humanly possible.

    She rested her head on Ashley’s shoulder for a moment, before looking up and kissing the other woman again.

    Ashley smiled into the kiss but also realized if Spencer wouldn’t make a move on, they were going to be late. Very late. She bunched up her hands in the fluffy towel an started pulling it away, knowing this would get a reaction out of the other woman.

    Spencer yelped and jumped back, quickly trying to keep the towel in place. “Ashley!”

    “Sorry babe, but you really need to get dressed. As much as I love you with only a towel on, and even more without one,” She purred and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “We’re gonna be late if you don’t put on some clothes.”

    Spencer pouted but reluctantly left the warmth of Ashley’s body. “Make yourself at home.” She gestured around with her hand and started walking to her bedroom. “Drinks are in the cabinet.”

    Ashley placed her purse on the coffee table and walked to the cabinet. She opened it and took out a bottle. “Can I get you something?” She yelled out, while grabbing a glass.

    “Whatever you’re having.” Spencer replied.

    The brunette grinned. Spencer really shouldn’t have said that. She grabbed a few more bottles and hoped the blonde had the other ingredients in her kitchen. Too bad they didn’t have more time. The concept of body shots was floating through her mind.

    A few moments later she appeared in Spencer’s bedroom holding two glasses. Leaning against the doorframe, she openly admired the blonde as she was putting on a classy shirt. Which of course killed Ashley’s rather wonderful view.

    She sulked and walked further in. After handing Spencer her drink, she sat down on the bed took a sip of her drink, trying to hide her smirk. Her money was on a coughing fit.

    “Thanks.” Spencer said and took a gulp out of her drink. She wished she hadn’t. “Shit Ash, what did you put in here?!” She asked after coughing. Holding up the glass, she eyed it as if by looking at it she would know what on earth the brunette put in it.

    “Just a little something, something.” She took another sip and smiled sweetly. Too bad you can’t have valid bets with yourself. “What? Can’t handle it?”

    Spencer laughed and pushed the glass back in Ashley’s hand. “You’re a booze hound.” She grabbed a bracelet and put it on her right wrist. After checking her hair once more in the mirror, she nodded satisfied.

    “Yeah. Maybe.” Ashley threw back the rest of her drink and returned the glasses to the kitchen.

    “Ready?” Spencer asked walking into the kitchen, putting various things in her purse. She placed it on the counter and walked to where the brunette was rinsing out the glasses. Placing her hands around Ashley’s waist, she slightly kissed her neck and grinned when she heard Ashley moan. Her neck always was a bit of a sensitive area.

    “Of course I’m ready.” She turned around in Spencer’s arms and looked Spencer over with a smug look.

    “What?” The blonde asked with a raised eyebrow.

    “You look stunning.” Ashley replied.

    Spencer was wearing a grey knee length skirt with a classy white blouse. “Thank you.”

    Ashley took hold of her hand and started leading the blonde out.

    Spencer held up their clasped hands and raised an eyebrow. “What are we, teenagers?” She secretly loved holding hands with Ashley.

    Ashley chuckled and shook her head. “No. Just love the feel of you in my hand.” She said cheekily and bumped her hip against Spencer’s.

    The blonde grinned and placed a kiss on the back of Ashley’s hand.

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