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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Ten)

    “I’ll take a coffee, thanks. Do you want something, Mata Hari?”

    “Tea. Thanks.” Beverly wringed her hands together. She was feeling uneasy and she didn’t like it. And to top that, the wig really started to itch. Damn fake hair!

    After Kenny left with their orders, Ashley leaned in real close. “So why the fuck did you make me come here anyway, Beverly? Besides showing me your latest obsession with dressing up, that is.” She said in a low voice. The brunette was going for the whole menacing deal so Beverly would cave in real easy and fess up.

    The other woman swallowed. If looks could kill… “We need to talk about Miss Spencer.”

    “Nothing to say.”

    “Yes there is!” Beverly yelled and so caught the attention of the other people in the diner. She cringed and looked around smiling. When the customers continued minding their own business, she took of her sunglasses and set them aside. “I’m serious, something needs to be done! And I have a gut feeling you can fix it.”


    “Because she began channelling a lot of Cujo when you disappeared.”

    “That doesn’t prove a thing.” Ashley countered and sat back. This was absurd. So it was her fault that Spencer became the queen of snappiness? She had nothing to do with it. Much.

    “Come on! You have to help me! I can’t go on like this. I’ve never seen her like this. Today she was so distracted she forgot to plug in her power supply for her laptop and cursed the computer for dying on her. This isn’t the Spencer that I used to know. Now I don’t know what you did to her, but fix her!” Fix her? This was a human being she was talking about – not a car.

    “I can’t fix her, Beverly. She needs to fix it herself.”

    “Excuse me ladies. Coffee for you.” Kenny placed the coffee in front of Ashley and put the other in front of Beverly. “And tea for you.”

    “Thanks Kenny.” Ashley said and gave him some money. “Keep the change.”

    “Oh big tipper. I like those. So what is it, girlfriend dumped you or told you she’s pregnant, her best friend being the father of course?” The man asked without any shame.

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    1. I felt so bad for Ashley because she had to listen to Beverly. WTF! Beverly is so werid but, i like her. I love Ashley and Spencer funny come backs to each other..they are so funny. Its like they’re smart ass teenagers again. I started reading from the begining and I’m confused about why and who Ashley cheated with. Interesting how Spencer still isn’t into labels……pls pms

    2. I just started reading your fic today, and let me tell you…I’m lovin’ it. I’m not sure what it is about your writing…but it’s strangely addicting!! Sort of like Sour Patch Kids. Or the show Scrubs. Anyways-I really really dig your style of writing, it’s truely unique. Post again soon.

    3. I felt so bad for Ashley because she had to listen to Beverly. WTF! Beverly is so werid but, i like her. I love Ashley and Spencer funny come backs to each other..they are so funny. Its like they’re smart ass teenagers again. I started reading from the begining and I’m confused about why and who Ashley cheated with. Interesting how Spencer still isn’t into labels……pls pms

    4. I just started reading your fic today, and let me tell you…I’m lovin’ it. I’m not sure what it is about your writing…but it’s strangely addicting!! Sort of like Sour Patch Kids. Or the show Scrubs. Anyways-I really really dig your style of writing, it’s truely unique. Post again soon.

    5. i know i’ve read this somewhere else…but i think you stopped updateing after awhile, so i cant wait to see if you continue the story from where you left off on another site, because i absolutly love this fic!!

    6. i know i’ve read this somewhere else…but i think you stopped updateing after awhile, so i cant wait to see if you continue the story from where you left off on another site, because i absolutly love this fic!!

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