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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Ten)

    “Excuse me?” Ashley brought out after a moment of sputtering.

    Beverly raised her eyebrow. So it was possible to reduce Ashley to a gasping fish on dry land. She found this little bit of information quite shocking, really. But filed it away for future use, anyway.

    “Well you look like your dog died but you don’t look like a dog kind of person. So it only could be one other thing and that’s love. Now tell me, dumped or pregnant?”

    Ashley rapidly regained her wits and put on a brash smile. “You’re rather full of yourself, aren’t you?”

    “Hey, be who you are or don’t be anyone at all, is what I always say.” Kenny answered with a half shrug.

    “Hey! Mister, I don’t want to be rude but you’re cutting in my Ashley time here! I-I booked her in for an hour so let us be! We have important business to attend to!” Beverly snapped at the poor waiter and threw in a glare for good measure.

    “Alright already. No need to bite my nose off, lady.” Kenny turned around and left the table. He snickered to himself when he spotted the satisfied look on the freaking girl. Women were so weird, sometimes.

    “Good. Back to business!”

    “Beverly, look, I don’t know what you want me to do but I’m sure I can’t help you out. Spencer is a big girl, she’ll get over whatever’s bugging her.”

    “No she isn’t!” The assistant was getting frustrated with Ashley’s lack of understanding. Why couldn’t the woman get it through her thick head she was the reason for Spencer’s bitchy behaviour? “She’s not a big girl! She’s like… like a kitten without any food and you need to go over there and feed her!”

    Ashley raised both eyebrows. Kitten analogies. Could it get any weirder? “You have no idea what you just said, right?”


    “Never mind.”

    “Right. Now please, I’m begging you, fix her. I’m this far from getting on my knees, you know. I’m desperate!” Beverly begged, her eyes conveying the need for Ashley’s help.

    The brunette took a deep breath and slowly released it. “I don’t know Beverly. Right now, I don’t think I’ll do any good. I have the tendency to make everything worse, you know.”

    “You’re wrong. I know you’ll fix her. I can feel it!” Sensing she couldn’t get through to Ashley, she stood up and tried finding Kenny. When she found him at another table, she marched over and forcefully dragged him back to her table.

    “Hey!” Kenny protested and rubbed his arm with a pout on his face. “I’m fragile, you woman, you!”

    “Shut it. I need you to explain to Ashley here that she can fix Spencer.”

    “Fine.” Kenny looked at Ashley and simply said. “You can fix Spencer.” He looked at Beverly again, who nodded happily.

    Ashley rolled her eyes and grabbed her things. “Not that I don’t appreciate the ‘concern’, gay boy, I don’t need to fix Spencer, alright?” She got up and started left the diner.

    “That went well.” Beverly quipped and dropped herself in the booth again. She immediately when into full sulk mood. Struggling a bit with the buttons on her French coat, she took it off and pulled off the wig as well.

    “Wow. So beneath the clown gone creepy there is a woman.” Kenny said while sitting down as well.

    “Yep. A woman on the verge of freaking and screeching. And let me tell you,” She waver her finger at the man. “I’m not good with the freaking and the screeching!”

    “No kidding.” The waiter said sarcastically. “What’s making you freak and screech anyway?”

    Beverly eyed Kenny, trying to figure out if he was trustworthy. She mentally shrugged and thought it couldn’t do any harm to tell him. Who knows, maybe he had a solution. After all, gay men usually had the best advice, strangely enough.

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    1. I felt so bad for Ashley because she had to listen to Beverly. WTF! Beverly is so werid but, i like her. I love Ashley and Spencer funny come backs to each other..they are so funny. Its like they’re smart ass teenagers again. I started reading from the begining and I’m confused about why and who Ashley cheated with. Interesting how Spencer still isn’t into labels……pls pms

    2. I just started reading your fic today, and let me tell you…I’m lovin’ it. I’m not sure what it is about your writing…but it’s strangely addicting!! Sort of like Sour Patch Kids. Or the show Scrubs. Anyways-I really really dig your style of writing, it’s truely unique. Post again soon.

    3. I felt so bad for Ashley because she had to listen to Beverly. WTF! Beverly is so werid but, i like her. I love Ashley and Spencer funny come backs to each other..they are so funny. Its like they’re smart ass teenagers again. I started reading from the begining and I’m confused about why and who Ashley cheated with. Interesting how Spencer still isn’t into labels……pls pms

    4. I just started reading your fic today, and let me tell you…I’m lovin’ it. I’m not sure what it is about your writing…but it’s strangely addicting!! Sort of like Sour Patch Kids. Or the show Scrubs. Anyways-I really really dig your style of writing, it’s truely unique. Post again soon.

    5. i know i’ve read this somewhere else…but i think you stopped updateing after awhile, so i cant wait to see if you continue the story from where you left off on another site, because i absolutly love this fic!!

    6. i know i’ve read this somewhere else…but i think you stopped updateing after awhile, so i cant wait to see if you continue the story from where you left off on another site, because i absolutly love this fic!!

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