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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Thirteen)

    The young woman regarded the grinning man with a doubtful eye but left the bathroom anyway. When she arrived at her table again, she avoided Spencer’s piercing look and sat down. Swiftly taking the menu, she held it up and hid behind it. After a moment she realized this probably wasn’t what Kenny had in mind when he told her to socialize with Spencer. Carefully she put the menu down, folded her hands and slowly looked up.

    “What did you plan this time?” Spencer asked straightforward. She knew now for sure her assistant had another scheme cooked up and she also knew she wasn’t going to like it one bit.

    Shaking her head, Beverly’s eyes widened and she held up her hands. “No plan! Honestly!” Inwardly she cringed for lying to the blonde, once again but after all the failures she had endured, she was willing to go all the way in order to make Spencer happy again. Happy Spencer meant happy vibe around the office. That was after all the main goal of this operation.

    The older woman sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “You better not be fooling me again Beverly, or I swear…”

    Beverly just shook her head this time but was grateful Spencer didn’t finish that sentence. She wasn’t sure she’d go through with it if she’d know what Spencer would’ve said. Then again, her imagination was taking her for quite a colourful spin…


    The young assistant shrieked and shot her head to the left. There she saw a grinning Kenny, holding what appeared to be a… rolling pin? Why the fuck was he holding a rolling pin?

    “Miss Spencer.” Kenny said with a smile.

    “Kenny. Long time no see.”

    “Yes, I’ve been… busy.” He replied with a hint of playfulness.

    “To say the least.” Beverly muttered, fortunately not loud enough for Spencer to hear but going on the glare Kenny was sending her, he had heard it.

    “Anyway, I was wondering if I could ask you two ladies a bit of a favour.”

    “Sure.” Spender said and smiled.

    “Well you see, if I have this bigass order coming up, something about a bus full of 60 year olds visiting New York. Or whatever that impotent son of a bitch of a manager said on the phone. Anyway, I’ve got all the supplies stocked down in the basement but as you can see I’m all alone.” He glanced behind him to make sure the two waiters were safely tucked away behind the counter. Well tucked… “So I was wondering if you could give me a hand?”

    Spencer raised her eyebrow. “Weren’t there two waiters waddling around about two minutes ago?”

    “Gone. All gone. Good staff is so hard to find these days!” He grabbed her arm and pulled her up. “Thank you so much for doing this for me.” He also took hold of Beverly’s hand while passing her and began walking towards the basement door. “People are so not helpful anymore this day ‘n’ age. It’s sad, really. So it’s refreshing to see someone help out a friend once and a while!”

    Spencer rolled her eyes and pulled her arm out of Kenny’s grip. “Really.” With a quick look at Beverly, she straightened out her clothes. “Fine. We’ll help. What supplies do you need?”

    He quickly stuffed a piece of paper in her hand and started pushing her towards the door. He indicated with his eyes Beverly should open the door, which she did. “It’s all on there. And again, thanks!”

    Spencer was sure her eyebrow had by now joined her hairline but shrugged it off. Kenny was known for his weird quirks. She passed Beverly and stepped inside the basement. Descending the stairs, she started reading the piece of paper Kenny gave her. “He has pretty nice handwriting.” She murmured to herself.

    “Who does?”

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