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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Twelve)

    Beverly nodded at first but then a frown appeared on her face. “How are we going to get them inside the basement? And don’t you dare say we should drug them!”

    Kenny grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “Sweetcheeks, drugging is so passé. Please. Haven’t you heard, lies are the new greys this summer!”

    “More lies…” Beverly groaned.

    “Yes, more lies. Look, you go saunter your little cute self into Spencer’s office and ask her if she wants some breakfast. Spin her a tale how you want to buy her some to apologize to her. You know, for all the trouble you’ve put her in. In the meanwhile, I’ll make sure Ashley is in that basement before you can say, gay men rock your socks.”

    “I don’t think I wanna say that. Ever.”

    “You will when this thing succeeds. Now shoo, be gone and look pretty.”

    Beverly sighed but got up. She had a feeling she would regret ever getting up this morning by the time this day was over.


    “Come in.” Spencer yelled out and looked over her glasses to see who knocked on her door. “Beverly.”

    Beverly anxiously smiled. She walked in but remained at the door, her back pressed up against the door handle. It was painfully reminding Beverly of her ‘job’ before she chickened out completely. “Uhm, hi Miss Spencer.”

    “Hi”. Spencer smelled something fishy going on but gave her assistant the benefit of the doubt. “What’s up?”

    “Well uh, you see…” Beverly took a deep breath and bunched up the seem of her sweater in her hands. “I was wondering if… uh… youwouldgetsomebreakfastwithme.”

    The lawyer raised both eyebrows and stared at the assistant for a moment. Was Beverly asking her out on a date?! “Uh… did you just ask me to get some breakfast with you?”

    Beverly nodded but remained quiet, scared it would come out like a jumbled mess again. God, she could be a real spaz sometimes.

    “Well, I’m very flattered but-“

    “No!” Beverly yelled and took a step forward. When she noticed what she had done, she quickly took one back. “I mean, no. Not as a date. But I-I just want to do something nice, for uhm, all the stuff I did. You know.”

    “Like giving me sleeping pills.”


    Spencer sighed and rolled back her chair. She wasn’t really mad at Beverly for the entire ordeal; she was in fact glad she got to see Ashley again. Ever since that last night they had been together, she had cursed herself multiple times for driving the brunette away. But at that time, she had unresolved issues. And though they weren’t all gone now, she needed Ashley’s help for dealing with the rest. Only problem was making Ashley understand. Hell, she hardly understood so how was she to explain this to Ashley?

    She had hurt the brunette that night and knew Ashley couldn’t and wouldn’t drop it like that. It was also the reason why Ashley went into complete bitchmode when she was around Spencer. This of course resulted in Spencer doing the same. Two stubborn women put together doesn’t make for a pretty picture.

    She stood up and put off her glasses. “Lead the way then.”

    Beverly smiled and enthusiastically nodded. “Right. Right.” She quickly spun around and left the office with a little spring in her step.

    If Spencer didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought Beverly just won a million dollars. Or had a very exciting trip to the candy store.

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    1. I’m a little confused I have read the story from the beginning, but I think a chapter is missing. I have no idea why Spencer and Ashley aren’t talking right now.

    2. I’m a little confused I have read the story from the beginning, but I think a chapter is missing. I have no idea why Spencer and Ashley aren’t talking right now.

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