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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty)

    “I’ve got a well paid job with flexible hours at a small firm back in Washington. After we graduated I did some temp jobs back in DC before landing a spot at my firm as coffeemaker. They quickly realized I was cut out for more.”

    “I bet. Professor Hunter always talked about your talents.” Spencer laughed.

    “Yeah. But I don’t think she ever kept quiet about the success you would one day have. And whadya know, the old goat was right.”

    Spencer smiled and shrugged. “What can I say, I got lucky.”


    “Money Penny, wake up! Sleeping on the job – how could you?!” Ashley playfully scolded and jumped on Beverly’s desk. She swung one leg over the other and casually leaned back.

    “Miss Ashley!” Beverly said a little dazed. She had been day dreaming about possible scenarios this little situation at hand could lead into and hadn’t even heard the lift doors opening or closing. She grabbed a file Ashley was trying to peek in and shoved it somewhere behind her on the other desk. “What uh, what are you doing here?”

    “Just checking up on my favourite girl.” The brunette replied huskily and ran the tip of her index finger along Beverly’s jaw. At seeing Beverly’s jaw drop open slightly and terror appearing in her eyes, she laughed and ruffled the young woman’s hair. “Just kidding, girl. So how are you, Bev? You and Kenny still going strong?”

    Beverly smiled and shook her head. “He’s still as gay as they come, Miss Ashley. I’m not sure I’m what he wants, if he was my type.”

    “Yeah. You still need a boytoy thought. I mean, live a little! Hell, if you’re interested I’m sure I can hook you up with a pretty girl.” She winked and laughed at the assistant’s flushed face. The young woman was just too easy.

    The sound of a door opening and fits of laughter following, made Ashley turn her head and watched Spencer stumbling out of the office, clutching her stomach and tears running down her face. She was holding another woman’s arm and Ashley couldn’t help but slightly frown at the scene. She regarded the stranger and knew she had seen this woman somewhere else before.

    “Miss Spencer.” Beverly called out and stoop up. She really hoped no bitch fight would come of this.

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    1. I just got catch up on your story. And i have to say i love it. Sam best not try and cause any problems between spencer and ashley. I`m glad they are together. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    2. I just got catch up on your story. And i have to say i love it. Sam best not try and cause any problems between spencer and ashley. I`m glad they are together. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    3. Okay…this is not cool…You can’t just post alot and then leave people hangin’ just like that ;)….I’m lookin’ forward to a little more drama before they have their “Happy Ever After”…..PMS!

    4. Okay…this is not cool…You can’t just post alot and then leave people hangin’ just like that ;)….I’m lookin’ forward to a little more drama before they have their “Happy Ever After”…..PMS!

    5. Wait….Ashley and Spencer didn’t have sex in highschool? I thought Ash was Spences first…not Sam…Poor Bev….she’s gonna blow a gasket if this keeps up…PMS!!

    6. Wait….Ashley and Spencer didn’t have sex in highschool? I thought Ash was Spences first…not Sam…Poor Bev….she’s gonna blow a gasket if this keeps up…PMS!!

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