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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty)

    The blonde’s head shot up and her laughter died down when he spotted her girlfriend sitting on the desk. Uh oh. “Ashley.” She quickly glanced at Sam and saw the comprehension dawn on her. Sam knew well enough who Ashley was.

    “Ashley. Of course.” The older woman muttered under her breath and sighed quietly.

    “Hey.” The brunette responded. She hopped off the desk and walked to where Spencer was hopping from one foot to the other. Oh yeah, something was definitely up. She leaned down and gave Spencer a peck on the cheek. With a smile, she pointed to Sam and said, “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

    “Yeah, of course! Ash, meet Sam. Sam, this is Ashley.” Spencer swallowed nervously and tried keeping an eye on both woman, to catch their reaction. As expected, both were unreadable and she mentally rolled her eyes.

    “Sam. Nice to meet you.” Of course, the ex. Ashley silently cursed the powers that for pulling yet another dirty trick on them. Hadn’t they suffered enough? Some might say this was just an innocent meeting between exes but Ashley had realized a long time nothing happens without a good reason.

    “You too.” Sam replied to who she assumed was Spencer’s girlfriend.

    “We were just leaving to go get some lunch and catch up a little.” Spencer said to Ashley. “Wanna come along?”

    Ashley shook her head, with a smile. “Nah. Wouldn’t wanna intrude.

    Spencer leaned in and gave her girlfriend a short but meaningful kiss and threw in a smile. “I’ll see you tonight?” She asked hopefully.

    Ashley nodded. “Have fun.”

    The blonde turned towards Sam and asked, “Ready?” Sam nodded and after saying their goodbyes, they left the office.

    Once they left, Ashley’s smile faltered. She couldn’t stop herself from turning a bit green around the edges. She didn’t consider herself as someone who had a jealous streak, but she had to admit, this didn’t exactly get her all happy either. But who could blame her? This was Sam! The same woman who Spencer lived with for two straight years, who Spencer had a relationship with for three years and to top all that, the same woman who gave Spencer her new first time. Something Ashley had always wished she could’ve given the blonde.

    No! She wasn’t going to let her insecurities get the best of her. Not when things were going this great. She just had to trust her girlfriend and know Spencer wouldn’t be as stupid as she once was.

    Turning around, she noticed the worried look on Beverly’s face. She put on a smile, partly to reassure the assistant. “Wanna grab something to eat across the street? I’m in the mood for some Kenny banter.”

    Beverly shrugged but nodded. The worried look had disappeared, but a slight frown remained. She had a feeling this entire thing would be blown out of proportion by someone. The little voice in her head told her she should really take that vacation to the Bahamas now so she wouldn’t be around when the bomb went off.

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    1. I just got catch up on your story. And i have to say i love it. Sam best not try and cause any problems between spencer and ashley. I`m glad they are together. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    2. I just got catch up on your story. And i have to say i love it. Sam best not try and cause any problems between spencer and ashley. I`m glad they are together. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    3. Okay…this is not cool…You can’t just post alot and then leave people hangin’ just like that ;)….I’m lookin’ forward to a little more drama before they have their “Happy Ever After”…..PMS!

    4. Okay…this is not cool…You can’t just post alot and then leave people hangin’ just like that ;)….I’m lookin’ forward to a little more drama before they have their “Happy Ever After”…..PMS!

    5. Wait….Ashley and Spencer didn’t have sex in highschool? I thought Ash was Spences first…not Sam…Poor Bev….she’s gonna blow a gasket if this keeps up…PMS!!

    6. Wait….Ashley and Spencer didn’t have sex in highschool? I thought Ash was Spences first…not Sam…Poor Bev….she’s gonna blow a gasket if this keeps up…PMS!!

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