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    Face Down – (Chapter: 10)

                I smiled at her. “Your dress is on the bed,” I said. “Shoes are next to it. Mine are on the floor. I am going to do my make-up and hair. Join me when you’re ready.”

                “Ok,” Spencer smiled. “Just one question.”

                “Ok,” I said.

                “Where are we going?” Spencer asked.

                “Just wait and you’ll see,” I said. I walked over to her and kissed her softly before heading back to the bathroom. I did my make-up. I stood at the mirror looking at myself for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do with my hair, when Spencer walked up behind me. She kissed the back of my neck.

                “You look beautiful,” Spencer whispered in my ear.

                “Thank you,” I said. “You look amazing too.”

                “Thanks,” Spencer said. “So, why are you staring at yourself in the mirror?”

                “I’m trying to figure out what to do with my hair,” I said.

                “I know what to do,” Spencer smiled.

                “What?” I asked.

                “Do some loose curls,” Spencer said, “then pin it in the back in a half-pony but leave your bangs. Have them going across your forehead.”

                “Ok,” I said. “I can do that. What are you gonna do?”

                “I think I’m just going to straighten it,” Spencer said.

                “Cool,” I said. “Now hurry so we aren’t late.”

                I did my hair like Spencer said. It looked great. Spencer did her make-up and hair. She looked absolutely amazing.

                “I love it when you do your hair like that,” Spencer said.

                “I’ll have to do it more often then,” I smiled. “You look stunning.”

                “You look incredible too,” Spencer said.

                “We should go,” I said. “We’re gonna be late.”

                We put on our shoes and grabbed our purses. We headed out to my car. I started driving toward the downtown area.

                “Where are we going?” Spencer asked.

                “We’re almost there,” I said. I pull into a parking lot and give the keys to the valet. Spencer and I walk hand in hand up to the restaurant. We were seated. We placed our drink orders and looked over the menu.

                “Dolce?” Spencer said. “I can’t believe you brought me here.”

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