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    Face Down – (Chapter: 10)

                “You don’t like it?” I asked.

                “No, I love it,” Spencer said. “I’ve always wanted to come here.”

                “I did good then,” I said.

                “No,” Spencer said, “you did great.”

                I scooted closer to her in the booth and kissed her softly. “I love you,” I said.

                “I love you too,” Spencer said. “So, why are we here? Why a fancy dinner and night all alone?”

                “You don’t know what today is?” I asked.

                “It’s not either of our birthdays,” Spencer said. I could tell she was thinking hard.

                “It’s six months,” I said.

                “Oh my gosh,” Spencer said. “I can’t believe I forgot.”

                I smiled at her. “It’s ok,” I said. “I actually forgot but then I remembered last night.”

                She smiled. The waiter came back and we placed our orders. The food came a little while later. We ate our food and then ordered dessert to share. We got cherry cheesecake. Spencer and I took turns feeding each other. We finished up and the check came. I paid and we left. I got the car from the valet and drove home.

                “Dinner was delicious,” Spencer said. “Thank you so much for picking that restaurant. I loved it.”

                “I loved it too,” I said. I pulled into the driveway. We got out of the car and walked inside. Kyla was walking downstairs as we came inside.

                “How was dinner?” Kyla asked.

                “It was amazing,” Spencer said.

                “Where did you guys go?” Kyla asked.

                “Dolce,” I said.

                “Bitch,” Kyla said. “I wanna go there.”

                “Sorry,” I said. “We’ll go again and you can come with. Maybe you can bring your lover boy Aiden.”

                “Shut up,” Kyla said.

                I laughed at her. “All right,” I said. “We’re gonna head upstairs. See you in the morning.”

                “Have a good night,” Kyla said.

                “Oh we will,” I said.

                Kyla laughed. Spencer and I went upstairs. I shut and locked the door behind us. I dimmed the lights and lit a few candles. Spencer and I sat on the couch. I turned on some soft music. We sat there for a few minutes, staring at each other. I reached out and grabbed her hand. I held it in my own.

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