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    Face Down – (Chapter: 11)

                “What is it?” he asked.

                “Spencer was kidnapped,” I said.

                “What?” he shouted. “How did it happen?”

                “We were laying by my pool watching the stars,” I said. “I went inside to get a blanket and the next thing I know I hear her yell my name. I ran outside and someone was carrying her to a car. I chased it for a few blocks but they got away.”

                “Oh my god,” he said. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Did you call the police?”

                “Not yet,” I said. “I had to come tell you first.”

                “Come inside and we’ll call them,” he said.

                I walked inside and sat on the couch. I let my head fall in my hands and cried as Arthur called the police. A few minutes later the cops showed up.

                “Ashley,” Arthur said, “come on. The police need to talk to you.”

                I stood up and walked over to meet the cops.

                “Good evening, I’m Officer Martin,” the cop said. “I need you to tell me everything that happened.”

                “Ok,” I said. “Spencer and I were laying by my pool watching the stars. She got cold so I went inside to get a blanket. I was inside for a minute and I heard her yell my name. I ran outside and saw someone carrying her to a car. They threw her in the back and drove off. I ran after them for a couple blocks but they got away.”

                “What did the person look like?” Officer Martin asked.

                “It was a guy,” I said. “He had dark hair. He was tall. I think probably around six foot.”

                “Clothing?” Officer Martin asked.

                “I don’t know,” I said. “It was too dark.”

                “The car,” Officer Martin said, “make, model, color, license plate?”

                “It was an Explorer or something like that,” I said. “It was black. L45F were the first four characters of the plates. I couldn’t get the rest.”

                “Ok,” Officer Martin said. “You have been very helpful. Thank you. Here is my card. Call me if you can remember anything else. We are going to send our team to your house to look for any evidence.”

                “Ok,” I said. I gave them my address.

                “Thank you for your cooperation,” Officer Martin said.

                “Please Officer,” I said, “find her soon.”

                “We’ll do our best ma’am,” Officer Martin said.

                The police left. As they were leaving, Aiden and Kyla walked up to the house. I hugged Aiden tightly. I started crying again.

                “Ash,” Aiden said, “there’s something I have to tell you.”

                “What?” I asked, sniffling.

                “You might wanna sit down,” he said. We walked over and sat down. He sat on the table in front of me.

                “Ok,” I said. “Now tell me.”

                “When Kyla and I were in jail,” he said taking a deep breath, “I saw Josh. He told me that if he ever saw you or Spencer again, he would kill you.”

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