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    Face Down – (Chapter: 12)

                “Ok,” Officer Martin said. “I’ve heard enough.”

                “Officer,” I said, “you have to find her. She’s all I have. She’s my everything.”

                “I will find her,” Officer Martin said. “I promise you.”

                “Thank you,” I said.

                “Now,” Officer Martin said, “go home and rest. I will let you know when I find out anything.”

                “All right,” I said standing up. “Thank you again.”

                He smiled and walked me up front. I walked outside and got in my car. I drove home. I got there and noticed the investigators were still there. They told me they were about finished. I went inside and walked upstairs. I stood in the doorway of my bedroom. I couldn’t bring myself to go inside. I don’t know how long I was standing there but the next thing I know, Kyla is standing next to me saying something.

                “What?” I said, turning and looking at her.

                “Are you ok?” she asked.

                “No,” I said. “I don’t think I can go in there. I don’t think I can sleep in our bed without her in it.”

                I started to tear up again. Kyla wrapped her arms around me. “It’s ok,” she said. “You can stay in my room if you want.”

                “Thanks Ky,” I said.

                “No problem,” she said with a soft smile. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep. We need to get our rest if we’re gonna go kick some ass tomorrow.”

                I smiled softly. “You’re right,” I said.

                “Of course I am,” she said.

                We walked to her room and I laid down. As soon as I hit the bed, I was out. I woke up sore the next morning. I groaned as I sat up and got out of bed. “What the hell?” I said to myself.

                Kyla woke up. “Did you say something?” she asked.

                “I was talking to myself,” I said. “Sorry to wake up.”

                “It’s ok,” she said. “So what are you and yourself talking about?”

                “I was asking me why I was sore,” I said.

                “Probably all that running you did,” she said.

                “Oh yeah,” I said. “I forgot about that.”

                She chuckled a little. “Are you hungry?” she asked.

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    1. damn!!!! i hope spencer is ok and they find her and kill josh!!! Great writing! i think this has gotta be one of my favorite updates so far! pms! and bring spence back soon!

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