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    Face Down – (Chapter: 12)

                “Starved,” I said.

                “Come on,” she said. “I’ll make something to eat.”

                We walked down the hall past my room. I stared into and the tears started forming. Kyla rubbed my back as we walked downstairs.

                “I know it’s hard,” she said. “But the police will find her. And if they don’t, we will.”

                “I know,” I said. “I just can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe that she’s not here next to me. I hate it.”

                “I know,” she said. “We’ll find her. Don’t worry.”

                All I could do was nod. Kyla made us something to eat. After I ate, I went upstairs. I made it into the bedroom this time. I sat on the edge of the bed. I grabbed Spencer’s pillow and held it close. It smelled like her. I started crying again.

                “God,” I said, praying, “I know I don’t do this as much as I should. And I know I’m not the best person but please let Spencer be ok. Please let the cops find her soon. I can’t live without her. So just please, please let us find her.”

                Kyla was standing in the doorway. “Ash,” she said, “there is someone here to see you.”

                I looked up. Aiden was standing next to her. “What do you want?” I asked.

                “I’m here to help,” he said. “I made a bunch of fliers last night. I’ve put some up already. I wanted to see if you wanted to take some to put up too.”

                “Sure,” I said. I put Spencer’s pillow down and walked over to Aiden. His fliers looked great. “These are awesome.”

                “Thanks,” he said. “I spent a long time on them. Hopefully they help.”

                “Lets get them up,” I said.

                The three of us left the house. Kyla went with me and Aiden went by himself. It took us all day to put up the fliers. It was late when we got back to my house.

                “Thanks for helping me put those up,” Aiden said.

                “Thank you for making them,” I said. I walked over and hugged him. “I’m sorry for yelling at you last night.”

                “It’s ok,” he said. “I deserved it.”

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    1. damn!!!! i hope spencer is ok and they find her and kill josh!!! Great writing! i think this has gotta be one of my favorite updates so far! pms! and bring spence back soon!

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