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    Face Down – (Chapter: 13)

                We got to the hospital and ran inside. The front desk told us that a doctor would be out to see us in a few minutes. We waited for almost an hour before a doctor came and talked to us.

                “Carlins,” the doctor said. “I’m Dr. Turner.”

                “How is our baby?” Paula asked.

                “She’s doing ok now,” Dr. Turner said. “When she was brought in, she was severely dehydrated and malnourished. She also suffered some cuts and bruises but those are minor.”

                “Can we see her?” Arthur asked.

                “Yes,” Dr. Turner said. “I’ll have a nurse come get you when she’s in her room. But there’s one more thing.”

                “What is it?” Arthur asked.

                “She was also viciously sexually abused,” Dr. Turner said. As soon as he said that, my head went to my hands. I started sobbing uncontrollably.

                “Oh my goodness,” Paula said.

                “She’s doing well though,” Dr. Turner said. “I’ll have a nurse come get you in a few minutes.”

                “Thank you,” Arthur said. He put his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I cried onto his chest.

                A nurse appeared a few minutes later and escorted us to Spencer’s room. I stood at the back of the room and let Paula and Arthur have each side of Spencer’s bed. Spencer woke up a few minutes later. She looked and saw Arthur and smiled. Then she looked over and saw Paula. She ripped her hand from Paula’s. I could see the panic on her face as she looked for me.

    “Ashley,” Spencer croaked. She extended her hand out to me. I walked over and took it.

                “Don’t talk sweetheart,” Arthur said.

    “I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered, tears running down my face.

                Spencer nodded at me, a few tears escaping her eyes. Aiden and Kyla walked in. I hugged both of them and went back to Spencer. I held her hand tightly. She could barely speak. Apparently, she was given just enough food and water to survive.

                We were there for a while then Spencer fell asleep. “You guys can head home if you want,” Arthur said.

                “Mr. C,” I said, “I can’t leave her. I won’t.”

                “Ok,” he nodded.

                “We’re gonna head out though,” Kyla said. “School in the morning.”

                “Crap,” I said.

                “I’ll make some calls,” Arthur said.

                “Thank you,” I said. I hugged Aiden and Kyla goodbye. “I’ll call one of you tomorrow and give you an update.”

                “We’ll be here after school,” Kyla smiled.

                “Ok,” I said. “See you then.”

                “Bye kids,” Arthur said.

                “Bye Mr. Carlin,” Kyla and Aiden said as they left the room.

                Arthur left to get something to drink. I sat there next to Spencer’s bed, still holding her hand. I rested my forehead on our hands. “Spence,” I said softly, “I’m so sorry this happened. I swear on my life that I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. I love you so much. I’m so sorry.”

                And little did I know but Spencer smiled a bit in her sleep, as if to say “everything is ok now.”

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    1. i cant believe he did all that to her…i hope he rots in a prison cell for life..actualy he should get the death sentence..bring out the electric chair again…well gr8 update PMS

    2. so happy you updated! I am a little concerned for spencer though. I hope she accepts help, because going through that must have messed her up. pms! awesome update!

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