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    Face Down – (Chapter: 16)

                “Thanks again,” I said getting up and going to my room. As soon as I hit the bed, I was out. I got up the next kind of early the next morning. I showered and got ready for school. I looked good today, the first time in a week. I went to school and couldn’t wait for the day to be over. At lunch I went to the hospital. I walked into Spencer’s room.

                “Hey you,” Spencer said.

                “Hey baby,” I said walking over and sitting on the side of her bed.

                “How’s school?” she asked.

                “It sucks as usual,” I said.

                “Aw I’m sorry,” she said.

                “It’s ok,” I said. “So when do you get to get out of here?”

                “Whenever you can get me,” she said.

                “I can get you right after school,” I said.

                “That works,” she smiled. “I’m tired of being here.”

                “I know you are,” I smiled. “How are you feeling today?”

                “A lot better,” she said.

                “That’s great,” I smiled.

                “Yeah,” she said.

                I looked at my watch. “I hate cutting this short but I better get back,” I said.

                “Ok,” she said. “I’ll see you around 3 then?”

                “Yep,” I said standing up. I walked backwards toward the door. “I love you. See you in a few hours.”

                “Love you too,” she said.

                “Bye,” I said walking out. I got halfway down the hall and turned around. I walked back into her room.

                “Did you forget something?” she asked.

                “Yes,” I said.

                “What?” she asked.

                “This,” I said. I walked over to the bed and kissed her passionately. I backed off after a few minutes.

                “I was wondering if I would get that or not,” she smiled.

                “I can’t believe I almost forgot,” I laughed.

                “I know,” she said. “I was thinking the same thing.”

                “Yeah but now I really have to go,” I said. I leaned over and kissed her softly before heading toward the door. “See you in a few hours. Love you.”

                “Love you too,” she said.

                I smiled and left the hospital. I got back to school and stared at the clock for the rest of the day. After school, I told Kyla she needed to get a ride home since I was going to get Spencer. She wanted to come so we headed to the hospital. We walked into Spencer’s room once we got to the hospital.

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