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    Face Down – (Chapter: 16)

                “Your chauffer is here,” I said.

                “It’s about time,” she said jokingly.

                “It’s Kyla’s fault,” I said.

                “My fault?” Kyla said. “What the hell? How is it my fault?”

                “I don’t know,” I said. “It just is.”

                Spencer just laughed at us. “I missed you guys,” she said.

                “We missed you too,” Kyla said.

                “Are you ready to get out of here?” I asked.

                “Yes yes yes,” Spencer said.

                “I’ll take that as a yes,” I laughed. “Have you taken care of everything?”

                “Yep,” she said. “I signed out. I got my meds. I just need to change.”

                “Shit,” I said. “We forgot clothes.”

                Spencer laughed. “It’s ok,” she said.

                “Wait,” I said. “I have some shorts in the back of my car. And I have a cami on under this shirt so you can take this one.”

                “Are you sure?” she asked.

                “Yes,” I said. “I’ll be right back.”

                I ran out to my car and grabbed the shorts from the backseat. I ran back inside. I gave Spencer the shorts and took my shirt off and gave it to her too. She got changed and we left. Once we got back to the house Spencer ran upstairs to lay down in bed. She hasn’t been in a comfortable bed in a long time. I stood in my doorway and watched her roll around on the bed. I smiled at her.

                “It doesn’t look any different in here,” she said.

                “To be honest,” I said, “Last night was the first time I slept in here since you had been gone.”

                “Where did you sleep?” she asked.

                “With Kyla,” I said.

                “Come lay with me,” she said.

                I walked over to the bed and laid next to her. She rolled over and put her head on my shoulder. She draped her arm over my stomach. I wrapped my arms around her.

                “I missed holding you,” I said.

                “I missed you holding me,” she said.

                “Are you hungry?” I asked.

                “Yeah,” she said.

                “Come on,” I said. “I’ll make you something to eat.”

                “Ok,” she said. She rolled off of me and we went downstairs. I made lasagna and Caesar salad. I hollered at Kyla that food was ready.

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