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    Face Down – (Chapter: 17)

                I thought for a minute and smiled. “I did do that pretty well,” I said.

                “Yeah,” she said. “So it shouldn’t be too hard for you to figure something out.”

                “You’re right,” I said. “After dinner, keep Spencer busy for a little while.”

                “Ok?” she said.

                “I have a plan,” I smiled.

                “I told you you wouldn’t have a problem figuring something out,” she said.

                “I know,” I said. “You’re so smart, blah, blah, blah.”

                “Shut up,” she said.

                “Just keep her busy ok?” I said.

                “Fine,” she said.

                “Thanks Ky,” I said. “You’re the best sister ever.”

                “I know,” she said.

                I went in the other room to find Spencer napping on the couch. She looked so cute. I sat on the table in front of her. I pushed a strand of hair out of her face. She opened her eyes slowly.

                “Hey baby,” I said softly.

                “Hey,” Spencer smiled. She stretched and sat up. “How long was I asleep?”

                “An hour or so,” I said.

                “Wow,” she said. “I must have been tired.”

                “I’d say so,” I smiled. “Listen, after dinner, I have a few errands to run. Is it cool if you chill with Kyla for a while.”

                “Yeah,” she said. “What are you doing?”

                “Oh nothing big,” I said. “Just a few things.”

                “Not telling me?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

                “It’s nothing too important,” I said. “Just going to the store and stuff.”

                “Ok,” she said.

                “We’ll hang out after though,” I said. “I promise.”

                “Ok,” she said. “So what are we doing for dinner? I’m starving.”

                “I don’t know,” I said. I held my hand out to her. “Let’s go find something.”

                She took my hand and intertwined our fingers. We walked out to the kitchen. I quickly fixed some spaghetti. The three of us ate. After dinner, I grabbed a few things and left. I was gone for about an hour. I went back home.

                “Spencer,” I shouted when I got inside.

                “Yeah,” Spencer said coming to the top of the stairs.

                I ran upstairs. “Get changed,” I said. “Wear something warm.”

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