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    Face Down – (Chapter: 17)

                “Why?” she asked.

                I went into our room and changed into jeans and a hoodie. “Please,” I said. “We have to hurry.”

                “Ok, ok,” she said. She quickly changed and we left.

                We drove to the beach just as the sun was starting to set. I had her close her eyes and I led her to some rocks. We walked up on top of one. I stood behind her.

                “Open your eyes,” I whispered as I put my arms around her waist.

                “Oh my gosh,” she said. “This is so beautiful.”

                “Look down,” I said softly.

                She looked down. “Yes,” she screamed. “Yes, yes, yes.”

                She turned around and hugged me tightly. I had arranged rocks in the sand below us to spell “Prom?”

                “I knew you’d say yes,” I said, “but I still had to do something special.”

                She kissed me softly. “This is great,” she said. “I can’t believe you did this.”

                “I love you,” I said. “I’ll do anything for you. Nothing is too small.”

                “I love you too,” she said.

                “Let’s sit down and watch the rest of the sunset,” I said.

                We sat down on the rocks. Spencer sat between my legs. I wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her neck. The sun was gone and we were still sitting there, Spencer’s head on my shoulder. I just hugged her tightly.

                “I’m getting cold,” she said softly.

                “Do you want to head home?” I asked.

                “I have an idea,” she said. She got up and offered me her hand. I took it and we walked to the car. We got in. She took my keys and turned them in the ignition. She opened the moon roof and then turned some music on softly. “Lay your seat back.”

                I did and so did she. We snuggled close and watched the stars. It was beautiful.

                “Spence,” I said, “it’s getting kinda late. We should probably get back before Kyla freaks out.”

                “Ok,” she said. We put our seats up and I drove home.

                “You guys were gone for a while,” Kyla said when we got home.

                “Ash did the sweetest thing ever,” Spencer said. I stood next to her smiling.

                “What did she do now?” Kyla asked.

                “She took me to the beach for the sunset,” Spencer said. “We were standing on some rocks and I look down and it says ‘Prom?’ It was the greatest thing ever.”

                “How sweet,” Kyla said. She looked at me and I just smiled and winked. “Well guys, I’m headed to bed. Have a good night.”

                “See you in the morning Ky,” I said. I turned to Spencer. “You want to head upstairs?”

                “Yeah,” she said. We walked upstairs.

                “I have something for you,” I said.

                “What is it?” she asked.

                “Hold on,” I said. I walked over to my music box. I pulled out necklace with a guitar pick. I walked back over to Spencer. “I got this from my dad when I was five. This was his favorite pick. He played so well with it. I loved it too so he put it on this chain and gave it to me. I want you to have it.”
                “Oh Ash,” she said. “I can’t take this.”

                “Please do,” I said. “I just want you to have something of mine so you’ll always think of me.”

                “Thank you so much,” she said. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. “I love you.”

                “I love you too,” I said smiling.

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