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    Face Down – (Chapter: 18)

                It took a second before she realized what happened. “Oh hell no,” she said. “You are not going to do that to me.”

                I smiled. “Do what?”

                She grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of her. I smiled at her. She pulled me down and kissed me hard. I put my thigh against her center and pressed. She moaned and bit my bottom lip. She pulled my shirt off and rolled us over. She kissed me hard as she pulled my shorts. She slid down my body. She hovered just above my pussy. She rammed two fingers in me as she sucked hard on my clit. It didn’t take long for me to explode. She climbed back up my body and kissed me. I slid my hand down her shorts. I started fingering her fast and hard with my thumb working her clit. She pushed her shorts down and kicked them off along with her shirt. It didn’t take long for her to explode either. She collapsed on top of me and I wrapped my arms around her. We ended up falling asleep like that.

                I didn’t know it but apparently she had set her alarm to go off at 6:30. It scared both of us. Spencer got up to shut it off and I rolled over to go back to sleep.

                “Ash,” Spencer said. “Get up babe.”

                “Nuh uh,” I mumbled into the pillows.

                “Get up,” she said. “Get up, get up, get up!”

                “It’s too early,” I said.

                She grabbed my foot and pulled me out of bed. I fell off the bed and stared at her.

                “Sorry,” she said. She offered me her hands. I took them and stood up.

                “I can’t believe you did that,” I said.

                “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to.”

                “Don’t worry about it,” I said.

                “Let’s go wake Kyla up,” she said.

                “Ok,” I smiled. We both put some clothes on and tiptoed down the hall. We quietly opened her door. We ran in and jumped on her bed.

                “What the hell?” Kyla shouted, sitting up in bed. “Ash? Spencer?”

                “Hey little sister,” I said.

                “What are you guys doing?” Kyla asked.

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