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    Face Down – (Chapter: 18)

                “Waking you up,” I said.

                “I see that,” Kyla said. “But why?”

                “We’re all going shopping today,” I said.

                “Have fun,” Kyla said laying back down.

                “No,” I said. “You’re coming too.”

                “Why?” she asked.

                “Because we are going shopping for prom dresses,” Spencer said. “Do you have one?”

                “No,” Kyla said.

                “Well then get up and get ready,” I said.

                “Fine,” Kyla said sitting up.

                We were all ready and leaving the house a little after 8. We had gone to a few different stores and didn’t find anything. It was getting close to noon and I was getting hungry and kind of cranky. We walked into another store. They had a lot of really nice dresses. We wandered around the store for a little bit. We each grabbed a few dresses to try on. I went first. The first dress I tried on was a strapless, green, floor-length dress. It was nice but there was something about it I didn’t like. So I tried on the next one I had. It was red halter with straps crossing in the back, leaving most of my back exposed. The bottom half was red sequins. It had a small train. I walked out to show Spencer and Kyla.

                “What do you think of this one?” I asked.

                “Wow,” Spencer said.

                “Wow is right,” Kyla said. “You look hot Ash!”

                “Thank Ky,” I laughed. “Spence? Is wow all you have to say?”

                “Yeah,” Spencer said still staring at me. “I mean I’ve never seen you look this beautiful before. Wow is pretty much all I can say right now.”

                I just smiled at her. I went back in and changed. I came back out with my dress. “Ok Spence,” I said. “It’s your turn.”

                Spencer got up and went into the changing room. She tried on a poofy dress first. She came out and it looked amazing on her. It was strapless. It was light blue with metallic polka dots and a satin sash around the middle. It made her eyes shine beautifully.

                “How’s this one?” Spencer asked.

                “Damn Spencer,” Kyla said. “Hottie.”

                “Why do you always have to take the words right out of my mouth?” I asked pushing Kyla. “You look absolutely amazing. I love that color.”

                “Thanks honey,” Spencer said. “I think I’ll go with this one.”

                “Good choice,” I said.

                Spencer changed and came out. She sat next to me. Kyla went in and tried on her first dress. It was ugly so she tried on her second one. That one was pretty ugly too.  She tried on her last one. It was light pink with black beads heavy at the top and fading out.

                “Is this one bad too?” Kyla asked.

                “No,” I said. “That one is amazing.”

                “You look beautiful,” Spencer said.

                “Thanks guys,” Kyla said.

                “Go get changed so we can eat,” I said. “I’m starving.”

                “Yeah, yeah,” Kyla said. She went back into the changing room. She quickly changed and came out with her dress.

                We paid for the dresses and left. “Where to for lunch ladies?” I asked.

                “It doesn’t matter,” Spencer said.

                “How about the Ivy?” Kyla said.

                “That works,” I said. “Spence, is that ok?”

                “Sure,” Spencer said.

                We went to the restaurant and ate. We headed home. We walked inside and got our dresses hung up.

                “Ash,” Kyla shouted up the stairs, “there is mail for you.”

                “What is it?” I asked as I walked downstairs.

                “I don’t know,” Kyla said handing me two envelopes.

                “Thanks,” I said. I carried them upstairs.

                “What are those?” Spencer asked.

                I sat next to her on the couch. “Letters from UCLA and UC San Diego,” I said.

                “Are you going to open them?” she asked.

                All I could do was stare at the envelopes that decided my future. I didn’t know if I could open them or not.

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