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    Face Down – (Chapter: 19)

                “But you got into every college you applied to,” she said. “I only applied to three schools and was rejected by two. Things aren’t looking too good for me.”

                “You’ll get into USC,” I said.

                “You don’t know that,” she said.

                “True but you don’t know that you aren’t going to get in,” I said.

                “But Spence,” she said.

                “Ash,” I said, “listen to me. You are an amazing person. You’re smart, you’re talented, you’re beautiful. USC would be crazy for not letting you in.”

                “But what about the others?” she asked.

                “They’re dumb,” I said. “I’m sure you’ll hear from USC in the next few days. Did I tell you I’ve got plans for us at USC?”

                “No,” she said looking at me. “What are they?”

                “You’ll just have to wait,” I said.

                “Fine,” she said.

                “Let’s go home,” I said. “I’m freezing.”

                “Yeah me too,” she said. We got up and started walking. “How did you get here?”

                “Aiden let me borrow his car,” I said.

                “Sweet,” she said. “But I think we should get you a car.”

                “What?” I said. “Ash, you know I don’t have that kind of money. And my parents won’t go for it either.”

                “You don’t have to worry about money,” she said.

                “I can’t have you do that,” I said.

                “It’s no problem at all,” she said. “Big inheritance, remember?”

                “Only if you’re sure about it,” I said.

                “Of course I am,” she said. “I love you and everything but I’m not going to let you drive my car.”

                “But I’ve already driven it,” I said as we got to the cars. We leaned against them. “Remember?”

                “Yeah,” she said. “But that was an emergency.”

                “Yeah, yeah,” I said. “But I’m freezing my ass of here, let’s go.”

                “Aww, come here baby,” she said. She pulled me to her and wrapped her arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her neck. “Better?”

                “A little,” I said.

                “How about now?” she said leaning in and kissing me.

                “Much better,” I said. I leaned in and kissed her again. After a while I broke off the kiss. “It’s getting late. We should head home.”

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