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    Face Down – (Chapter: 19)

                I climbed over into the passenger seat. Ashley got in and drove us home. We got home and I was still really shaken up. I went right upstairs and laid in bed.


    *Ashley’s POV*


                When we got home, Spencer went right upstairs. I went into the living room where Aiden and Kyla were.

                “You guys were gone forever,” Kyla said.

                “Yeah,” I said. “Aiden, can you take me to get my car?”

                “Umm sure,” Aiden said. “But why?”

                “I’ll explain in the car,” I said.

                “Can I not know?” Kyla asked.

                “I’ll tell you when I get back,” I said.

                “Fine,” Kyla said.

                Aiden got up and we left. “So why didn’t you drive?” he asked.

                “Promise you won’t freak out?” I said.

                “Yeah,” he said.

                “Spencer almost wrecked your car,” I said.

                “What?” he said. “Is she ok? What happened?”

                “She’s really shaken up,” I said. “She was ahead of me and an animal ran out in front of her and you know Spencer, she can’t hurt anything, so she swerved and spun a couple times. She ended up in the grass. She was really freaking out.”

                “Oh my god,” he said. “I’m glad she’s ok.”

                “Yeah,” I said. He pulled next to my car.

                “Tell Kyla that I’m just going to head on home and I’ll call her later,” he said.

                “Alright,” I said. “Thanks for the ride.”

                “No problem,” he said.

                I got out of the car and got in my own. I drove home. I walked inside and found Kyla in the kitchen.

                “Where’s Aiden?” she asked.

                “He wanted me to tell you that he was going to go ahead and go home,” I said. “And that he’ll call you later.”

                “Ok,” she said. “So are you gonna tell me what happened?”

                “If you wanna know that badly,” I said.

                “I do,” she said laughing.

                “Ok well you can’t tell Aiden,” I said.

                “I won’t,” she said.

                “I mean it,” I said. “I didn’t tell him the whole story.”

                “Ok I promise,” she said. I told Kyla everything that happened. “Oh wow. Is she ok?”

                “I don’t know,” I said. “She was really shaken up. Even when we got home she was still shaking.”

                “Damn,” she said. “Well at least she wasn’t hurt.”

                “Thank god,” I said. “I’m gonna go check on her.”

                “Ok,” she said. “If you need anything, just let me know.”

                “Thanks Ky,” I said.

                “No problem,” she said.

                I walked upstairs and into my room. Spencer was lying on the bed. I walked over and sat next to her.

                “Spence,” I said softly, “are you ok?”

                “Yeah,” she said. “I think so.”

                “I’m glad you’re ok,” I said running my hand through her hair.

                “Is Aiden mad?” she asked.

                “God no,” I said. “He’s just glad you’re ok.”

                “So he wasn’t mad about us racing?” she asked.

                “Well I didn’t exactly tell him that part,” I said.

                “Ashley,” she said, giving me one of those ‘what were you thinking’ looks.

                “I’m sorry,” I said. “I knew he would be pissed if I told him that. I was just trying to protect you.”

                “It’s ok,” she said. “It’s probably for the better that he doesn’t know that part.”

                “That’s what I was thinking,” I said. “Are you ready to go to sleep?”

                “Yeah,” she said. “I’m sorry that we couldn’t go back to the beach.”

                “Don’t worry about it,” I said. “We’ll do it another time.”

                We then changed and went to sleep.

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