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    Face Down – (Chapter: 20 – The End)

                We all stood around screaming and hugging for a few minutes. Aiden called Kyla so she went to talk to him. I sat on the back of the couch. Spencer walked up to me.

                “I’m so proud of you,” she said.

                “Thanks,” I smiled. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

                “Whatever,” she said.

                “No it’s true,” I said. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have never passed everything. Hell I wouldn’t have even gone to school.”

                “Well then you’re welcome,” she said.

                I pulled her to me and kissed her softly. Kyla walked back in.

                “Oh sorry guys,” Kyla said.

                “What’s up?” I asked looking over at her.

                “Aiden was just wondering if you guys want to go to dinner tonight to celebrate,” she said.

                “Sure,” I said. “Sounds fun.”

                “Yeah,” Spencer said.

                “Ok cool,” Kyla said. “Be ready at 6.”

                We all went out to dinner at 6. We were sitting around talking about the future.

                “So you two are going to USC together?” Aiden asked Spencer and I.

                “Well I’m going there,” I said. “I don’t know if Spencer has made up her mind yet.”

                “I have,” Spencer said. “I’m going to USC.”

                “Sweet,” I said wrapping my arm around Spencer’s waist. “Where are you going?”

                “Me?” Aiden asked. “I’m going to UCLA.”

                “How the hell did you get into UCLA and I didn’t?” I asked.

                “Basketball,” he said.

                “Oh yeah,” I said. “Go to hell.”

                “Don’t hate,” he laughed.

                “Shut up,” I said. “Have you decided where you are going Ky?”

                “I think I’m going to go to Stanford,” Kyla said.

                “That’s awesome,” I said.

                “Yeah,” Kyla said. “I’m really excited.”

                “I didn’t think you were that smart,” I laughed.

                “Apparently they are accepting anyone these days,” Kyla said. “Maybe you should apply, Ash.”

                “Haha,” I said. “Very funny.”

                We spent the rest of dinner laughing and making fun of each other. Spencer and I went to bed soon after we got home. Tomorrow is the big day. Prom. God help me.

                “Spencer,” I mumbled, “turn off the alarm clock.”


    1. Sequel is a must. You can’t just have them get engaged and leave us hanging, I need more. I’m glad this story had a happy ending. Now get crackin’ on that sequel!

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