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    Face Down – (Chapter: 20 – The End)

                It was 7 o’clock and Spencer’s alarm clock was going off. She got up and turned it off.

                “Get up,” she said. “We have to start getting some stuff ready.”

                “Five more minutes,” I said into my pillow.

                “I’m going to go make breakfast,” she said, “when I get back, you have to get up.”

                “Fine,” I said.

                Spencer went downstairs and made breakfast. She came back up half an hour later with two plates of food. She sat them down and walked over to the bed.

                “Ash,” she said, “get up. I have food.”

                “Just a few more minutes,” I said.

                “I gave you thirty,” she said, “now it’s time to get up.”

                “Spencer,” I whined.

                “No,” she said. “We have a lot to do today.”

                I rolled over and looked up at her. “Do I get my good morning kiss?” I asked.

                She leaned over and put a hand on each side of me for support. She leaned down and kissed me softly. I pulled her down on top of me. After a few minutes, she got up.

                “We have to eat before it gets cold,” she said.

                “Fine,” I said. We both sat up. Spencer brought over the food and we ate. We made sure Kyla was up then started getting ready. Each of us took a shower then went to our hair appointment at 10. After the three of us got our hair done we went to lunch. After lunch we went out and got a few things we needed before our nail appointment. It was close to four before we got back to the house. We were all freaking out because the limo was supposed to be at the house in just over an hour but of course I was freaking out the most. Tonight is a huge night, why wouldn’t I be freaking out?

                “Have you seen my shoes?” Spencer asked me.

                “Did you check the closet?” I asked as I looked through my make up to decided what to wear.

                “Yeah but I only found yours,” she said.

                “Check under the bed,” I said.

                “I found one,” she said.


    1. Sequel is a must. You can’t just have them get engaged and leave us hanging, I need more. I’m glad this story had a happy ending. Now get crackin’ on that sequel!

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