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    Face Down – (Chapter: 4)

                I grabbed a pillow and hit her with it lightly. “That’s not funny,” I said.

                “It’s a little funny,” she laughed.

                I rolled my eyes and sighed. “So what do you wanna do today?” I asked putting the pillow back.

                 “I don’t know,” she said sitting up.

                “Let’s go swimming,” I suggested.

                “I don’t have a suit to wear,” she said.

                “Borrow one of mine,” I said.

                “Ok,” she smiled.

                “Go pick one out and I’ll go change,” I said grabbing my swimsuit and going to the bathroom.

                I walked back to my room and walked in without thinking. Spencer was still changing. She looked up at me and shook her head as she laughed.

                “You wanna give me another minute?” she asked.

                “Nope,” I smiled. I slowly backed out of the room and turned the corner to give her some privacy.

                She walked out a few seconds later.

                “I didn’t see anything,” I smiled.

                “Uh huh,” she laughed. “Sure you didn’t.”

                I grabbed a couple towels from the linen closet and we made our way outside. As soon as we got out the back door, Spencer jumped on my back. I dropped the towels and stumbled. I ran to the pool and jumped in backwards, making Spencer hit first. She let go and we both came up for air. We spent a while swimming around then decided to lay out. We climbed out of the pool and laid on the chairs next to the pool.

                After a couple hours, I sat up and looked over at Spencer. “Do you wanna go and get some food?” I asked.

                “Sure,” she smiled. “I need a shower. Is it ok if I take one?”

                “Yeah,” I said. “I need to take one too.”

                We got up and walked inside.

                “I’ll take one first,” she said.

                “You know,” I smirked, “we could save water and shower together.”

                “As tempting as that is,” she said, “I don’t think much showering will be going on.”

                “Probably not,” I smiled. I sat down on my bed as she grabbed her clothes.

                “I’ll be out in a few,” she smiled.

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    1. uh oh! not good! not good at all. i bet that asshat josh had something to do with this…grrrr. either that or paulas being effing lame. bah. great update!!

    2. uh oh! not good! not good at all. i bet that asshat josh had something to do with this…grrrr. either that or paulas being effing lame. bah. great update!!

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