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    Face Down – (Chapter: 4)

                I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I tried to figure out how I got so lucky. I decided to get up and grab some clothes before Spencer got out of the shower. After a few minutes, she walked back into my room and I went to take a shower.

                I finished getting ready and we left. “What do you want to eat?” I asked as I pulled out of my driveway.

                “I don’t care,” Spencer smiled.

                “Ok,” I said. “I know this cute little diner downtown. We’ll go there.”

                “Ok,” she smiled. I melt every time I see that smile.

                We got to the diner and it wasn’t very busy. We sat down and ordered. The food came quickly and we ate. After we ate, we decided to go for a walk on the beach. I parked the car and we took off our shoes before walking out on the sand. We walked hand-in-hand in comfortable silence along the water. We found a bunch of rocks and Spencer climbed up to sit on one. I climbed up and sat behind her. She leaned into me as I wrapped my arms around her tightly. We sat and watched the sunset. It started getting cold.

                “We should probably go,” I said. “I’m starting to get cold.”

                “Me too,” Spencer said sitting up. “I should probably be getting home. My parents are probably going crazy.”

                “Ok,” I said. I jumped down off the rock and helped Spencer down. She kept a hold of my hand as we walked to the car. I drove Spencer home and parked in front of the house.

                “Call me later?” I said.

                “Of course,” she smiled. She leaned over and gave me a quick kiss before jumping out of the car. “Bye.”

                I waved and waited until she was inside before I left. I went home and sat around for a while. I couldn’t really think of anything to do. So I grabbed my guitar and played that for a couple hours. Around 9:30 my phone started to ring. I grabbed it. I saw from the caller ID that it was Spencer.

                “Hey you,” I said. “I didn’t expect you to call for like another hour.”

                “Ash,” she said. She sounded upset and like she had been crying.

                “Spence?” I said. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

                “Can you come get me?” she asked.

                “Of course,” I said. “Where are you?”

                “I…I don’t know,” she said. “I left my house and just started walking.”

                “Ok,” I said. I grabbed my keys and purse and left as fast as I could. “Which way did you go when you left?”

                “I went to the left and kept going straight,” she said.

                “Ok,” I said. I got in my car and backed out of the driveway. I sped to her house. “I’m on my way.”

                “Hurry,” she said. I could hear her starting to cry again. “I need you so bad.”

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    1. uh oh! not good! not good at all. i bet that asshat josh had something to do with this…grrrr. either that or paulas being effing lame. bah. great update!!

    2. uh oh! not good! not good at all. i bet that asshat josh had something to do with this…grrrr. either that or paulas being effing lame. bah. great update!!

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