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    Face Down – (Chapter: 5)

                I didn’t protest. I just climbed over and allowed her to drive. We got to the hospital in record time. Spencer practically carried me inside.

                “We need help!” she screamed when we walked in the door.

                The nurses got me on a stretcher and got me into a room. I was taken to a room. Spencer followed.

                “We need to get her into surgery right now,” a doctor said.

                They started to wheel me out of the room. I saw Spencer standing by the door. “Stop,” I said to the doctors.

                “You need to get into surgery right now, Miss Davies,” one of them said.

                “This will only take a second,” I said.

                “Hurry it up,” he said.

                “Spence,” I said reaching out to her. She walked over and grabbed my hand. “If I don’t make it through this, there’s something I want you to know.”

                “Don’t talk like that,” she said as tears fell from her eyes.

                “Just listen,” I said. She nodded. “I love you, Spencer Carlin. I’ve loved you since the first moment I saw you.”

                “We have to go now,” the doctors said wheeling me out.

                Spencer let go of my hand and walked out into the hall after us. “I love you too!” she shouted after me.

                I woke up in the hospital room alone. I looked around for Spencer. A nurse walked in to check on me.

                “Where is Spencer?” I asked.

                “She got checked out by a doctor and now she’s out in the hall talking to the police,” the nurse said.

                “Ok,” I said, relaxing a bit.

                The nurse checked a few different things then left. After about five minutes, Spencer walked in. She ran over to the bed and nearly jumped on me.

                “Oh my god I didn’t know when you were gonna wake up,” she said kissing me.

                “I’m fine,” I smiled. “How are you? Are you ok?”

                “Better now that you’re awake,” she smiled.

                A police officer walked into the room. “Excuse me, Miss Davies?” he said. “I’m Officer Bailey. I’d like to ask you a few questions about last night if that’s ok.”

                “That’s fine,” I said.

                “Ok,” he said. “Can you tell me what happened last night?”

                “I was going to pick Spencer up at the park,” I said. “I got to the park and saw someone beating the crap out of her. I jumped out of my car and ran toward them. Josh turned around and threatened to kill me. I ignored him and went to Spencer. She told me to look out. I turn around and get stabbed in the stomach. Then he ran off.”

                “So you know who it was that stabbed you?” Officer Bailey asked.

                “Yes,” I said. “His name is Josh O’Malley.”

                “Ok,” he said. “I think that’s all we need. Thank you for your cooperation.”

                “No problem,” I said. He left the room and I was alone with Spencer again. “Is that what he asked you?”

                “Yeah,” she said.

                “So,” I said slowly, “last night, what happened? Why were you out walking by yourself?”

                “I figured you were gonna ask that sometime,” she said.

                “Are you gonna tell me?” I asked.

                “Ash, I don’t know what to do,” she said starting to cry.

                “What’s wrong, Spence?” I asked as I pulled her close to me and held her tightly.

                “I…I…” she stuttered.

                “Sshh,” I soothed. “It’s ok. Take your time.”

                “My mom,” she said calming down a little. “She kicked me out.”

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    1. I KNEW IT! it’s all joshs fault! UGH! ass. i’ll kill him damn it! no one messes with spashley and gets away with it! grrrr. officially pissed yo! officially pissed. haha. love the story for reaaaal. great update!

    2. I KNEW IT! it’s all joshs fault! UGH! ass. i’ll kill him damn it! no one messes with spashley and gets away with it! grrrr. officially pissed yo! officially pissed. haha. love the story for reaaaal. great update!

    3. finally read your story and Im lovin it. PMS pretty please! How is spencer going to deal w/ being kicked out and is she going to be allowed go back home again? to many questions. update please I have to know

    4. finally read your story and Im lovin it. PMS pretty please! How is spencer going to deal w/ being kicked out and is she going to be allowed go back home again? to many questions. update please I have to know

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