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    Face Down – (Chapter: 6)

                “You know you can’t leave just yet,” she said.

                “I can hope, can’t I?” I smiled.

                I pushed the call nurse button and one walked into the room.

                “Can I help you Miss Davies?” the nurse asked.

                “Where’s my doctor?” I asked. “I’m ready to go.”

                “I’ll get him,” the nurse said before walking out.

                Spencer sat next to me on the bed, holding my hand. It looked like something was bothering her.

                “Hey,” I said softly, “are you ok?”

                “Yeah,” she said. “I’m fine.”

                “You’re not gonna get out of it that easily,” I smiled softly. “What’s up?”

                The doctor walked in smiling. “Ashley,” he said, “how are you feeling?”

                “I’m doing great, Doc,” I smiled.

                “That’s good,” he said.

                “Can I leave now?” I asked impatiently.

                “Well,” he said looking over the chart, “everything looks good. I don’t see why you can’t go home today.”

                I smiled. “Thank you,” I said.

                “I’ll have the nurse bring in the discharge papers for you to sign,” he said. I nodded and he walked out to the nurses’ station.

                “So do you wanna drive me home?” I asked Spencer.

                “Sure,” she smiled. “I love driving your car.”

                “I figured you did,” I smiled.

                The nurse came in and I signed the papers. I got my stuff and changed quickly. Spencer and I walked out of the hospital hand in hand. I handed her the keys when we get to my car.

                I climbed into the passenger side and Spencer got in the driver seat. I quickly buckled my seatbelt.

                “You’re not gonna kill me are you?” I asked.

                “No,” Spencer smiled. “I’m a great driver.”

                “Good,” I smiled. “I’ve had enough near death experiences this week.”

                She took my hand in hers and drove to my house. We walked inside and up to my room.

                “I was just thinking,” Spencer said sitting on my bed.

                “Don’t hurt yourself,” I joked.

                “I have no clothes to wear,” she said.

                “You don’t need any,” I said.

                “What am I supposed to do?” she asked. “Walk around naked?”

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    1. Yeah its an update Im so happy but now I want more so please update this story soon PLEASE! You can always rely on good old Arthur to be the loving father I love it keep it up please

    2. Yeah its an update Im so happy but now I want more so please update this story soon PLEASE! You can always rely on good old Arthur to be the loving father I love it keep it up please

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