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    Face Down – (Chapter: 6)

                “I wouldn’t mind that,” I smiled.

                “Shut up,” she said rolling her eyes.

                “No,” I smiled. “You can borrow some of my stuff.”

                “Are you sure?” she asked. “I feel like I’m being a burden or something.”

                “You’re not,” I said. I walked over and stood in front of her, between her legs. I lifted her chin with my finger so she was now looking me in the eyes. “I love you more than anything. I don’t want you out on the streets. You need to be here with me. Someone has to take care of me.”

                “Thank you,” she said kissing the back of my hand.

                “Now,” I said as I knelt down in front of Spencer, “what was wrong earlier in the hospital?”

                “I was just thinking,” she said.

                “About what?” I asked.

                “My family,” she said.

                “Oh,” I said. I didn’t know what to say.

                “I can’t believe my mom kicked me out,” she said tearing up. “She disowned me and threw me out. Glen and Clay weren’t home. They didn’t do anything about it. Dad wasn’t home. He didn’t do anything about it. None of them have even called to see where I am, to see if I’m ok. They haven’t done anything.”

                The tears were falling freely from her eyes now. I wrapped my arms around her tightly. “It’s gonna be ok,” I said softly. After a few minutes, Spencer calmed down. I let go of her and wiped away a few stray tears. “Why don’t you lay down for a little while? You’ve been up for a long time and need some rest.”

                “Ok,” she said softly, still sniffling a little. She slid off her shoes and crawled up to the head of the bed. She laid there for a second before sitting up. “Ash?”

                “Yeah?” I said looking over at her.

                “Lay with me?” she asked.

                “Of course,” I smiled. “Let me change real quick and I’ll be right there.”

                “Ok,” she said.

                I went into my closet and changed into shorts and a tank top. I walked back out and laid down next to Spencer. She rolled over and faced me. She kissed me softly.

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    1. Yeah its an update Im so happy but now I want more so please update this story soon PLEASE! You can always rely on good old Arthur to be the loving father I love it keep it up please

    2. Yeah its an update Im so happy but now I want more so please update this story soon PLEASE! You can always rely on good old Arthur to be the loving father I love it keep it up please

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