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    Face Down – (Chapter: 7)

                “Ready to go?” I asked.

                “Yeah,” Spencer said looking unenthused, scared, and nervous all at the same time.

                I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out to the car with her. We drove in silence all the way to her house. I pulled into the driveway behind her parents’ cars.

                “Do you want me to go in with you?” I asked turning the car off.

                “No,” she said. “I think I should do this by myself.”

                “Ok,” I said. I grabbed her hand and squeezed lightly. “I’ll be here waiting for you.”

                “Thank you,” she said. She leaned over and kissed me softly.


    *Spencer’s POV*


                I walked up to the door. I wasn’t sure if I should just walk in or not so I knocked. Dad answered the door and immediately pulled me into a bear hug.

                “I missed you kiddo,” he said.

                “I missed you too dad,” I said with tears in my eyes.

                “Someone at the door Arthur?” Paula asked walking out of the living room. She saw me. “Oh. It’s you.”

                “Hi mom,” I said letting go of dad.

                “Let’s go sit down and talk,” Arthur said.

                I followed my mom into the living room. I sat across from her and dad. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I stared at my hands the whole time.

                “Why is she here?” Paula asked.

                “Because I think we should all talk about what happened the other night,” Arthur said.

                “There’s nothing to talk about,” Paula said. She stood up and started at me while talking to my dad. “That slut is not allowed in my house.”

                “Paula!” Arthur said.

                “You know what mom?” I said. “I don’t even care anymore. I’m sorry I can’t be perfect enough for you. I’m a lesbian. I love Ashley. Josh told you a huge lie. But you would rather believe him than me.”

                She walked up to me and slapped me hard across the face. “Get the hell out of my house, lesbian whore!”

                Tears fell from my eyes as I ran for the door. I ran outside and jumped in Ashley’s car. I sat there crying.

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