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    Face Down – (Chapter: 7)

                “Yeah,” I said. I ran my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know what to do.”

                “I don’t think there is anything you can do,” Kyla said. “Just be there for Spencer.”

                “Yeah,” I said. I turned to Kyla. “What?”

                “I didn’t say anything,” Kyla said.

                “I thought I heard my name,” I said. I heard it again. “Spencer.”

                I jumped up and ran into my room. I went over to the bed and sat next to her. “Ashley?” she said.

                “Yeah,” I said. “I’m right here.”

                “Don’t leave,” she said softly.

                “I won’t,” I whispered. “I won’t.”

                Spencer slowly drifted off to sleep. I got up and changed then got her changed. I laid down next to her and pulled her to me. She got as close to me as she possibly could. I kissed her shoulder and fell asleep.

                The alarm went off at 6 the next morning. I rolled over and turned it off. I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes. Spencer sat up and looked over at me.

                “Morning,” she said softly.

                “Morning,” I said sitting up and looking at her. “Spencer, oh my god, what happened to you?”

                “What are you talking about?” she asked panicked.

                “You have a huge bruise on your face,” I said reaching out and brushing it lightly with my thumb.

                “Oh,” Spencer said reaching up with her own hand. “That’s where my mom smacked me last night.”

                “What?” I shouted. “What else did she do?”

                “She called me a slut and a lesbian whore,” she said tearing up.

                I pulled her into a hug. “I’m so sorry,” I said. “I wish I could have been in there with you.”

                “You would have killed my mom,” she said.

                “Well yeah,” I said. “No one can touch you. I’ll kill anyone that does.”

                “Thank you,” she said letting go.

                I kissed her softly. “You’re welcome,” I smiled. “We better hurry up and get ready or we’re gonna be late. I call dibs on the shower!”

                I got up and ran to the bathroom. Spencer chased after me. “No fair!” she shouted. “Cheater!”

                I locked the bathroom door behind me. “Yes but you love me anyway,” I said through the door.

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