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    Face Down – (Chapter: 8)

                “What took you so long?” Spencer joked. “I’ve been waiting here forever.”

                “Oh sorry,” I said. “I was finishing a test. It took me forever since I couldn’t concentrate.”

                “Why couldn’t you concentrate?” she asked.

                “I was thinking of ways to take advantage of my girlfriend tonight,” I smiled.

                “Oh really?” she asked cocking an eyebrow. “Come up with anything?”

                “Maybe,” I smirked.

                “You’re horrible,” she laughed.

                “I know,” I smiled. “But you love me anyway.”

                I grabbed the books I needed and shut my locker. I slid my hand into Spencer’s and started walking to my car. We drove home and started working on homework. Around 5:30 Spencer made dinner. That was another good thing about her being around. She cooks some damn good food. After dinner, we started to get ready. I took a shower first then Spencer took hers. We were ready by 7:45.

                “You look hot,” I said starting at Spencer. She was wearing a short khaki skirt and a white low cut tank top with a light blue blouse over it.

                “You can stop drooling now,” She smiled. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

                I was wearing ripped jeans and a black halter. I smiled at her. “Ready to go?” I asked.

                “Yeah,” she said.

                “Great,” I smiled. I grabbed the keys and my purse. We walked out in the hall to see if Kyla was ready. “Ky, are you ready yet?”

                “Yeah just a second,” Kyla shouted. A few minutes later Kyla walked out. She looked amazing.

                “Damn Ky,” I said, “you trying to get into Aiden’s pants or something?”

                “Shut up,” she said. “Are we ready to go?”

                “Yeah I’m ready,” I said. “Spencer?”

                “Yeah let’s go,” Spencer said.

                “Is Aiden meeting us there?” I asked as we walked downstairs.

                “Yeah,” Kyla said. “He said it would be easier that way. You know like if you guys wanna leave early or whatever.”

                “Who knew Aiden could think logically,” I laughed as we walked out to the car. Spencer rode shotgun as always. It felt good to have her by my side. We got to Grey just as Aiden was getting out of his car. We walked over to him.

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