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    Face Down – (Chapter: 8)

                “Ladies,” he said, “you all look hot tonight.”

                “Thanks Aiden,” I said. “That’s just what we were looking for, guys to drool all over us all night.”

                I took Spencer’s hand and walked inside. We got a table and Aiden got us drinks. We sat around talking for a while. It was good to be out of the house. Spencer’s hand rested on my leg. I noticed she was tracing circles on my thigh with her fingers. She smiled sweetly at me.

                She leaned in close to my ear. “Dance with me,” she whispered.

                I grinned widely. “Lead the way,” I said. We got out of the booth and made our way to the floor. Spencer stopped in the middle of the crowd. She pulled me close and we started to move to the music. My hands slid down to her hips and I pulled her a little bit closer. Her arms made their way around my neck. It was like we were one. The song changed and everybody cheered and jumped around. The song was “This Is Why I’m Hot” by MIMS. I pulled Spencer as close as we could possibly be. We kept dancing. Both of us were drenched in sweat. The song started to come to an end and the DJ announced he would be slowing it down. The song changed to “Wait For You” by Elliott Yamin. Spencer and I slowed down and swayed softly to the music.

                “I’m so glad we came out tonight,” I smiled.

                “Me too,” Spencer said. She looked deep into my eyes. “I love you.”

                “I love you too,” I said. I leaned forward and kissed her softly. We rested our foreheads together and danced until the end of the song. Once it was over we made our way back to the table. Kyla and Aiden were getting along great.

                “There you are,” Aiden said.

                “Yeah,” I said. “What’s up?”

                “I got a call about this awesome party,” he said. “We should totally go.”

                “Hell yeah,” I said. “I’m in.”

                “Spencer?” he asked.

                “That’s fine,” she said.

                “Sweet,” Aiden shouted. “Let’s go.”

                We all walked outside and headed to our cars. “Kyla, you riding with Aiden?” I asked.

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