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    Face Down – (Chapter: 8)

                “Yeah,” Kyla said.

                “Follow me,” Aiden said. “I know how to get there.”

                I nodded and got in my car. I pulled out of the lot and followed Aiden. “Are you sure you wanna go to this party?”

                “It’s fine,” Spencer said.

                “Are you sure?” I asked.

                “Yes,” she said. “There is just one thing I ask of you.”

                “What’s that?” I asked.

                “Don’t drink too much,” she said.

                “Ok,” I said. “I’ll try not to. I’ll give you the keys when we get there and you can drag me out when you are ready to go. Deal?”

                “Deal,” she smiled.

                We made it to the party and it was huge. There were people everywhere. We walked in with Aiden and Kyla. Aiden and I headed straight for the alcohol. Kyla and Spencer followed.

                “Are you in charge too?” Spencer asked Kyla.

                “Yeah,” Kyla said. “I’m gonna have a couple drinks but I’ll be fine to drive.”

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “But if you’re not, you can ride with us.”

                Kyla grabbed a beer and she stood with Spencer near where Aiden and I were playing beer pong. We rocked that game. We moved on to shots after that. We each had five shots of Jack Daniels within ten minutes. We did a couple jell-o shots and then we were double-fisting Bacardi. Spencer walked up to us.

                “Hey Spencer,” I said slurring my words a little. “Have I told you lately how beautiful you are? Cuz you are really, really hot. And I love you.”

                “I know,” Spencer said. “When you get done with those it’s time to go.”

                “Okie dokie smoky,” I said before bursting into a fit of giggles.

                Aiden and I finished our drinks and found our girls. We stumbled outside and walked over to the cars.

                “Dude,” Aiden slurred, “we gotta hang out tomorrow.”

                “Totally,” I said. I turned to Spencer. “Spencer, I’m hungry. Can we get some food before we go home?”

                “We’ll see,” Spencer said.

                “Please,” I whined.

                “Ok, ok,” she said. “We’ll stop and get food.”

                “Yay,” I shouted and hugged her tightly. “I love you.”

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