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    Face Down – (Chapter: 8)

                “I know,” she said. “Now get in the car so we can get out of here.”

                “Ok,” I obeyed and got in the car.

                “Ky,” Spencer said, “are you staying at Aiden’s tonight or do you want me to pick you up?”

                “I’ll stay with him and have him drop me off in the morning,” Kyla said.

                “Ok,” Spencer said getting into the car. “Don’t have too much fun.”

                “You either,” Kyla laughed.

                Spencer laughed and got in the car. She drove to McDonald’s and got food then drove home. When we got home, Spencer had to carry me inside. I tried to get out of the car and fell over.

                We got inside and up to my room. We ate the McDonald’s and sat on the couch.

                “Did you have fun tonight?” I asked, my words slurring.

                “Yeah,” Spencer smiled. “It was good to get out.”

                “Yeah,” I said. I cuddled up close to her. “I love you.”

                “I love you too,” she smiled.

                I leaned in and kissed her softly. I deepened the kiss and crawled onto Spencer’s lap. Her hands wrapped around my waist. My hands started to make their way under her shirt. She pushed my hands down. I started to slide my hands up again but she pushed them back down.

                “What’s wrong?” I asked.

                “Not tonight,” she said.

                “Why not?” I asked.

                “You’re drunk,” she said. “I just can’t do that.”

                “I’m not drunk,” I said.

                “Yes you are,” she said. “You fell out of the car, remember?”

                “Oh yeah,” I said. I started to pout.

                She pulled me close and kissed me. Her hands rested on the small of my back. My hands started creeping up her shirt again. She didn’t stop me this time. I ran my fingers over her stomach. Her phone started ringing. She pulled back.

                “I should get that,” she said.

                “Don’t,” I said kissing her again.

                “What if it’s important?” she asked.

                “Fine,” I said. I crawled off of her and she grabbed her phone.

                “Hello,” she said.

                “Spencer? It’s Kyla,” Kyla said.

                “Hey what’s up?” Spencer asked.

                “Umm Aiden and I got arrested,” Kyla said.

                “Oh my god,” Spencer said. “What did you do?”

                “DUI, illegal consumption, and hit and run,” Kyla said.

                “Are you ok?” Spencer asked.

                “Yeah,” Kyla said. “Can you and Ash come down here and bail us out?”

                “I don’t know,” Spencer said. “Ash is still pretty drunk.”

                “Spencer please,” Kyla begged.

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “I’ll see what I can do.”

                “Thank you,” Kyla said.

                Spencer hung up the phone and looked at me.

                “What?” I asked.

                “Kyla and Aiden are in jail,” she said.

                “I hate them,” I said.

                “Why?” Spencer asked.

                “They got arrested before me,” I said.

                “Do you think we should go bail them out?” she asked.

                “Probably,” I said.

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “Let’s go then.”


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