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    Face Down – (Chapter: 9)

                “I love you too babe,” I said, kissing her softly.

                Spencer pulled away. “Listen, Ash,” she said, “I promise, tomorrow night will be our night but I need some sleep right now.”

                “All right,” I said. “Good night. I love you.”

                “Night,” she said. “Love you.”

                Spencer rolled over and I pulled her close. I kissed her shoulder and went to sleep myself. We woke up late in the morning. Spencer rolled over to face me.

                “Morning love,” I said.

                “Good morning,” she said. “How’d you sleep?”

                “Not bad,” I said. “You?”

                “Pretty good,” she said.

                “I’m starving,” I said. “Let’s get something to eat.”

                “Ok,” she said.

                We got out of bed. “I’m going to wake Kyla up,” I said.

                “I’ll start making something,” Spencer said.

                I nodded and quietly opened Kyla’s door. Kyla was still fast asleep. I crept up to her bed. I jumped on it and yelled “Wake up! Wake up!”

                Kyla shot up in bed. She saw me jumping on the bed. She threw her pillow at me. “Go away,” she said. “I’m sleeping.”

                “Not anymore,” I said. “Come on. Wake up. Spencer is making food.”

                “Ok, fine,” she said. “I’m up. I’m up.”

                “Good,” I said. “Now come downstairs.”

                I got off the bed and walked downstairs. Spencer was standing at the counter. I snuck up behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist, and kissed her neck.

                “Hey you,” Spencer said. “Is Kyla up?”

                “She is now,” I smiled.

                “What did you do?” she asked.

                “I jumped on her bed,” I said with a smile.

                “Poor thing,” she said. “I have a pizza in the oven.”

                “Awesome,” I said. I let go of Spencer and sat at the island. She sat across from me. Kyla walked into the kitchen. “Good morning sunshine.”

                “Shut up,” Kyla said.

                “Sorry she did that Ky,” Spencer said.

                “I should be used to it by now,” Kyla said. “But I’m not.”

                The doorbell rang a few times. “I’ll get it,” I said. I got up and walked toward the door. I opened it and saw Aiden standing there. “Hey Aiden. Come on in.”

                “Thanks,” Aiden said walking in. “Is Kyla around? I need to talk to her.”

                “Yeah,” I said. “She’s in the kitchen. I’ll get her for you.”

                “Thanks,” he said.

                I walked back to the kitchen. “Aiden’s being weird,” I said. “He wants to talk to you Ky.”

                “Why is that weird?” Kyla asked.

                “That isn’t,” I said. “He seems upset about something.”

                Kyla shrugged her shoulders and walked out to see Aiden. “Hey,” she said. “What’s up?”

                “We need to talk,” he said.

                “Ok,” Kyla said. “You creeping me out. What’s wrong?”

                “Can we go upstairs?” he asked.

                “Yeah,” she said. She walked upstairs and Aiden followed. She shut her door after they were both inside. “Ok. What’s up?”

                “So you know how we were in jail last night?” he asked.

                “Yeah,” Kyla said.

                “Well, Josh was there,” he said.

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