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    Family Secrets (Ch. 3)

                    “Hey Melena, Art is upstairs, wanna go play with him?” Ashley asked my little girl. She seemed to think about it for a second before nodding happily. Ashley set her down and the little girl ran off towards the stairs in the living room.

                    “Are you sure –“

                    “She can’t hurt anything,” Ashley answered, cutting off my question before it was fully out. “Did they say where they were going?”

                    “They didn’t say much of anything. Aiden showed up at my door, they whispered, and Glen left.”

                    “Same thing with Clay,” Chelsea supplied, “He’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight if he doesn’t give me a damn good explanation.” I chuckled at the woman’s annoyance; she wasn’t used to being left out of the loop. Ashley took in our words before turning around and looking out the window to the back yard. She’d held many parties in her backyard, which sprawled out for about ten acres. She had a huge pool, and tons of bright greenery going all the way back, with a tennis court a few acres away from the pool.

                    “He’s probably looking for her,” Spencer muttered, making Ashley’s face tighten in an attempt not to betray her emotions. Chelsea was looking just as confused as I was but neither star elaborated on what Spencer was talking about.

                    “Wanna explain what you mean?” Chelsea finally said, first glancing at me. Spencer glanced to Ashley one more time but the brunette wouldn’t meet her eye so Spencer just shook her head and took another long drink of her coffee. I heard the baby give a cry from where her car seat was sitting on one of the chairs of the table. Spencer pushed off from where she was resting against the counter to go pick up her niece. 

                    “Hey Rachel, you haven’t seen the second floor since the renovation have you?” Ashley said, breaking the uneasy silence that came over the kitchen. She was obviously trying to change the subject and I shook my head, going along with her.

                    “No, we didn’t get to come to the last party because Glen and Melena were both sick.”

                    “Well come on then, I’ll give you the tour. It looks completely different.” Ashley pushed off the counter and I saw Chelsea give Spencer a significant look as the blonde played with the now cooing baby and I wondered if Ashley was just trying to get me out of the way so that the blonde could talk with her other sister in law.

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    1. I really love the story, but this is literally killing me… I want to know terribly badly what’s going on! Your writing is awesome, always leaving me wanting more, pleeeeease pms!!! =]

    2. you are killing me with the suspense here! and this story is so fucking addictive I can’t even begin to describe it. fantastic update, please post again soon!

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