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    Family Secrets (Ch. 3)

                    I followed Ashley through the second floor, which was mostly just filled with guest rooms but she had taken three of the rooms and turned them into a movie room, with a TV bigger than my bedroom and a bunch of comfortable seats sitting around. Ashley was explaining how the projector worked when her cell phone went off, startling us both.

                    “I really need to take this, feel free to look around though.” Ashley said, as she flipped the phone open and left me in the room by myself. I followed her out and took another look around the second floor before going up one more floor to try and find my daughter. I knew that Ashley had a killer game room and that’s generally where the kids spent all their time when we did things at Ashley’s mansion. When they weren’t in there I started exploring all the rooms, getting worried. I pushed open one door and found myself in what I assumed to be Ashley’s bedroom. I’d never been in it before, but I knew that it was somewhere on the third floor and everything about it screamed Ashley.

                    The walls were painted a deep red with black and white pictures adorning them. The bed was huge, and messy. Obviously it had been well slept in the night before. There were musical instruments strewn about the room, and even more pictures, most of them of the Trio. There were clothes all on the floor too, making me smile. It was well known that Ashley wasn’t the most organized person in the world. I looked over and saw a picture sitting on her bedside table, it was the only one there too as all the others were hanging on the wall or sitting on her dresser. I walked over and picked it up. I’d never seen it before, and I smiled when I realized that it must’ve been from their high school days because everyone was in it.

    Ashley was sitting on a picnic table, with Spencer sitting between her legs and leaning back into her. Ashley’s arms were wrapped loosely around Spencer’s waist and her chin was resting on Spencer’s shoulder. They were both smiling bigger than I’d ever seen one of them smile before. Aiden was off to the side with his arm wrapped around who I knew to be Madison, from other pictures that I’d been shown. Clay was sitting next to Chelsea on the bench of the picnic table and Glen was standing next to the grill, glaring. This made my eyebrows rise; I hardly ever saw that face on him. Glen was a pretty easy going guy most times. I finally deduced that he was glaring at Ashley and Spencer, and I vaguely wondered why.

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    1. I really love the story, but this is literally killing me… I want to know terribly badly what’s going on! Your writing is awesome, always leaving me wanting more, pleeeeease pms!!! =]

    2. you are killing me with the suspense here! and this story is so fucking addictive I can’t even begin to describe it. fantastic update, please post again soon!

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