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    Family Secrets (Ch. 3)

                    “I thought I told you it was a bad idea to go snooping around?” I jumped a foot in the air, nearly dropping the framed photo in the process. I whirled around to find Chelsea leaning against the doorframe, watching me.

                    “I wasn’t! I was looking for Melena…”

                    “Yes, that’s obvious.” She said drily, making me smile sheepishly. She finally noticed the picture in my hand and walked over. I handed the frame to her and she smiled, seeming to recognize it.

                    “This was one of the last pictures that we all took together,” Chelsea said, seeming pleased. “I didn’t know anyone had a copy of it. We were having a party at Aiden’s house.”

                    “What was Glen glaring at?” I asked, pointing out his face to her. She seemed to examine the picture closer, a look of understanding crossing her features.

                    “I don’t know,” She said, hastening to put the picture down.

                    “You’re a terrible liar.” I accused, as she avoided my eye.

                    “Rach, leave it alone.” She sighed, shaking her head and leaving the room quickly. I groaned but followed her back down two flights of stairs. “Art and Melena are watching TV in the living room,” She informed me, as we walked into the kitchen again. Ashley was sitting on the counter, and Spencer was leaning on the counter across from them, they both looked a little flushed and I looked back and forth between them but neither of them seemed bothered so I let it go and just took a seat.

                    “She was looking for Melena,” Chelsea said, I guess they’d been looking for me. Suddenly we heard the front door open and a few seconds later Aiden came storming angrily into the kitchen. Everyone jumped to attention, surprised.

                    “How the fuck did you get in here?” Spencer asked, looking angry.

                    “Aw shit, I forgot I gave him the code last week.” Ashley muttered, sitting down her coffee mug and turning to face her other best friend. “I told you not to come over here Aiden.”

                    “You have no business hiding my wife from me,” He growled, stalking over to grab Spencer’s arm, but she yanked it away from him, flames practically shooting from her eyes.

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    1. I really love the story, but this is literally killing me… I want to know terribly badly what’s going on! Your writing is awesome, always leaving me wanting more, pleeeeease pms!!! =]

    2. you are killing me with the suspense here! and this story is so fucking addictive I can’t even begin to describe it. fantastic update, please post again soon!

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