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    Family Secrets (Ch. 3)

                    “Don’t fucking touch me, Aiden.” She spat, walking over to stand by Ashley who moved so that she was partially blocking Spencer from Aiden’s view.

                    “Oh we all know who you’d rather have touching you.” He said nastily, making Spencer glare back at him and I felt my eyes grow wide. Spencer was cheating?! Chelsea looked uneasily at me.

                    “Maybe we should leave,” She whispered to me, but her voice was drowned out by Spencer. 

                    “I’m not the one who’s been touching –“

                    “Both of you shut the fuck up!” Ashley yelled, making everyone quiet instantly. I hoped Melena couldn’t hear the commotion; I’d rather not have to explain what ‘fuck’ meant to her. I was amazed that the baby was still sleeping soundly. “Aiden, I think you should leave.”

                    “Not without Spencer.” He planted his feet, and crossed his arms. Ashley sighed, pushing a hand through her curly hair.

                    “I said get the fuck out of my house.” She said this calmly, and it was scarier than if she had yelled. “No one wants you here and I’d rather not have the cops here, as I just got my name out of the damn Enquirer.”

                    “Ash… She’s my wife.”

                    “Not for long.” I heard Spencer mutter, and I think my jaw literally hit the counter. Chelsea was looking panicked as Aiden growled and tried to step around Ashley to get to the blonde but Ashley was surprisingly able to push him back.

                    “Spence, just go upstairs.”

                    “No, Spencer, just come home. We need to talk and you know it. I’m not letting you leave me over letting slip that you’re pregnant.”

                    “You can’t seriously think that’s why?”  She said incredulously, chuckling. Aiden’s eyes cut to Ashley accusingly but she just shook her head side to side minutely, so Spencer didn’t notice. I was about to burst from not knowing what the hell was happening. So they were cheating on each other? But then again, Spencer had said it wasn’t her… So Aiden was cheating? Is that why Spencer didn’t want to have his kid?

                    “Spencer, you have to believe me, I haven’t done anything.” Aiden said, calmly stepping forward to look beseechingly at her. He looked and sounded so sincere that even Spencer seemed to look confused. Ashley, however, was looking livid. She balled up her fists and for a minute I thought she was going to hit something but instead she just walked out of the kitchen.  Spencer looked after her, looking confused but Aiden stepped up to rest his hands on her shoulders. “Please, please just talk to me, come home.” She looked after Ashley once more before nodding slowly.


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    1. I really love the story, but this is literally killing me… I want to know terribly badly what’s going on! Your writing is awesome, always leaving me wanting more, pleeeeease pms!!! =]

    2. you are killing me with the suspense here! and this story is so fucking addictive I can’t even begin to describe it. fantastic update, please post again soon!

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