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    Fight For Love

    Right now, both Ashley and Spencer were in chemistry sitting side by side and working on worksheets that were handed out.  Ashley tried talking to the blonde but couldn’t bring herself to say anything.  Luckily it was the last class but still in the beginning of the period.  Not being able to take anymore of the silence, Ashley left the classroom.

    Spencer jumped hearing Ashley suddenly get up with all her things.  The blonde looked up, watching the other girl leave.  Spencer’s blue eyes wandered down Ashley’s body as the brunette walked away.  There was a small sway in her hips, Spencer noticed, then slowly dropped her head and felt the tears ready to fall.

    After school Spencer was ready to leave and just head home.  She didn’t want to deal with anything at the moment.  Stepping into her door her phone started to ring letting her know that she had a message.

    ‘Spencer…  We need to talk about this, I can’t keep doing this…  We need to be together please…I love you.’

    Spencer closed the phone and didn’t bother replying to Ashley’s text.  Walking up to her room she closed the door and cried herself to sleep, or what seemed like sleep.  Her body was just too tired to argue if she was awake or not.

    …Two Weeks After…

    Ashley hasn’t been in school since the last text message she sent Spencer.  The blonde was starting to worry, she hadn’t heard from Chelsea or Kyla about if they’ve seen Ashley.  Thinking that the brunette found someone new, she felt the pain rising in her chest.

    The bell rang, and Spencer found Kyla.  “Hey have you been able to get a hold of Ashley yet?  I’m starting to worry.”

    “No I’m sorry Spencer, if she does come home, it’s so late at night or early that I don’t even notice.  She hasn’t even answered her phone when I call.”  Kyla tried giving Spencer some support since Ashley went missing.  She couldn’t understand why they went on the break, Spencer was truly in love with Ashley. And Ashley, was honestly in love with the blonde.  “Don’t worry Spence, I’m sure she’s just trying to figure out things and where she stands.”

    Spencer nodded her head, “Thanks Kyla, if you do get a hold of her, please tell her to call me.”


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