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    Fight For Love

    …Later That Night…

    Spencer was tired, and restless, she didn’t understand why Ashley hadn’t called since this whole break.  Lying in bed she couldn’t fall asleep.  Her mind was running wild and everything seemed to be happening so fast.  Closing her eyes she felt like her body was slowly drifting off to sleep; until a noise made her open her eyes and stare into the darkness.

    Listening she heard little creaks and groans as if someone was in the house.  Being the only other person home, since her family was out of town, she started to freak out.  Spencer heard her door open then close just as quickly.  She really started to freak and she couldn’t get to her phone without getting out of bed.  Listening to the soft footprints starting to approach her bed, she quickly closed her eyes and acted like she was asleep.  Carefully listening, she didn’t hear anymore noise or footsteps.

    Opening her eyes and letting them adjust, a familiar face started to reveal itself.  “Ashley!  What the hell?  You nearly scared me to death sneaking around my house…  How did you get in here anyways, and where the hell have you been?”  Spencer was nearly screaming at Ashley who just sat cross legged on the floor watch the blonde.

    “Sorry Spence, I didn’t mean to freak you out.  I figured you were asleep and I didn’t was to wake you.  And I got into your house from the spare key you gave me remember.”  Ashley’s voice was soft and soothing when she spoke.  When she looked towards Spencer, she didn’t look the blonde in the eyes.

    “Where have you been Ashley?”  Spencer calmed down and waited for the brunette’s response.

    Ashley was silent for a moment then looked at Spencer’s blue eyes.  “I’ve been home, I took some time off to think about things and I couldn’t be in school cause you were always there.  I figured you wanted time to yourself.”  The brunette’s deep brown eyes, finally looked at Spencer’s amazing blue.  She couldn’t take it any more.  Ashley closed the distance and kissed the blonde gently, being careful to keep the other girl in bed.

    Spencer caught her breath and carefully returned the kiss, sliding her hand behind the brunette’s neck causing the girl to moan softly.  She felt Ashley shift her weight and then felt herself slowly being pushed back down onto the pillow.  “Mmm…Ash.”


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