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    Fight For Love

    “Shh Spence, it’s okay I’m here now.”  Ashley’s lips found their way down to Spencer’s neck, causing the girl to moan.

    Spencer’s hands roamed down Ashley’s back then slowly back up the soft, tanned skin under the shirt.  The blonde gently bit down on Ashley’s bare shoulder and cause her to shift again.  “Ash…I need you.”  Spencer started to plea.

    Ashley’s lips left Spencer’s neck and somewhere in that process, Spencer lost all her clothing.  Ashley’s lips made their way down the other girl’s chest, carefully taking in the blonde’s left breast into her mouth.  She bit lightly, flicked her tongue, and sucked while her hand kept up the same speed her mouth was doing to the right breast.  She could hear Spencer moaning and whimpering for more than just the light touching.  She knew that Spencer wanted wasted Ashley to reach her at a more deeper touch.

    “Fuck Ashley please don’t stop there…  Oh God, keep going.”  Spencer’s pleas turned to begging as Ashley finally moved a little lower, kissing along the blonde’s toned stomach, feeling the muscles ripple under her touch.

    Ashley smiled when she reached Spencer’s hips, gently kissing each hip then biting down on the right side.  Ashley heard the blonde curse under the groan she let out.  Looking up at Spencer the dark eyed brunette smiled,  "Aww Spencer, what’s wrong?  You look like your holding back from saying something….  Hmm I wonder what that is.  What are you thinking baby?  I wonder what happens if I do this…"  Ashley’s tongue slid straight down across Spencer’s clit.

    "Ashley!  Oh my fucking God…"  Spencer’s back arched off the bed and her slender fingers found the brunette’s head and held on lightly.

    Ashley luahged lightly and let her fingers gently caress the smooth skin on the blonde’s inner thigh.  "Oh baby you know you love this don’t you.  You know you want me to fuck you so hard and you want to scream..  You want to feel my fingers so deep."

    "Yes, oh fuck Ashley…  Please just fuck me hard…."  Spencer’s eyes were a dark blue as she stared down at the amazing brunette between her legs.  And she smiled, konwing that Ashley wasn’t going anywhere.  She watched as Ashley gave a small nod then slowly bent her head downwards kissing right about her clit.  Spencer took in a deep intake of air, her eyes never leaving the brunette’s as they partly closed from the sensation going through her.  "Hmmm, oh God Ash."


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