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    Fight For Love

    Ashley gave a low sound almost like a growl causing the blonde girl to shiver with delight.  Her kissing moved a little lower directly on to Specner’s hips and felt the girl’s hips buck against her.  Ashley did it again and agian then slowly used the tip of her tongue and ran a small cirlce around her clit.  She heard Spencer moan and beg for more again.  Whimpering and gently yet forcefully thrusting her hips, against the brunette’s tongue and mouth.

    Ashley smiled and finally gave in and slid her tongue straight down and deep into Spencer.  She could hear the sigh of relief turn quickly into a deep moan.  The brunette pulled away and looked carefully up at Spencer;  "Mmm baby you taste amazing…"

    Spencer’s mouth twisted into a smile then let out a moan causing the brunette to inhale sharply.  She loved how Ashley talked to her during sex.  It was amaizng and always sexual.  "Mmmmm baby don’t stop you feel so fucking amazing."  Her eyes closed as she fell back onto the pillow arching her hips into the brunette begging for more silently.

    Ashley replaced her tongue with her fingers, pushing deep into the blonde then slowly pulling them out.  Her lips kissed their way up Spencer’s slender hips, to her toned stomach.  Then slowly she moved up until she got to the girl’s neck and bit down, elciting a moan from the blonde.

    Spencer was moaning and whimpering for Ashley to just stop teasing and just fuch her hard.  "A…Ash please just please…I need you so badly…I want you."  Her please were just barely about a whisper and Ashley still continued to torture and tease.

    "Spencer mmm baby I want you too…And I’ll make sure I’ll get you to scream."  Ashley drove her fingers deep inside Spencer’s tearing a cry from her mouth.  The brunette’s fingers were wrapped and surrounded in complete liquid heat.  Ashley could hear the blonde’s breathing pick up and how her moans hitched higher each time, Ashley went deeper.

    "Oh God baby…Harder baby please."  Spencer’s hips thrusted against Ashley’s fingers as her hands found the brunette’s tanned shoulders.  She dug her nails lightly leaving her imprints into the smooth skin. spencer’s body was heating up more and more each time Ashley’s fingers went deeper and harder.


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